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Direct Comm Broken, please reenable global and side chat then.

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There are many threads throughout the forum of people saying that direct comm is broken. Either they can't read anything or nobody can see what they are writing. This issue seems to be affecting only direct channel since Vehicle and group chat work fine. Since there is no global and side chat anymore people experiencing this issue are not able to communicate, which is really killng a core part of DayZs Gameplay.


Like stated in the post above, the issue seems to be related to the Arma II Engine and there is nothing that can be done until the next Arma II patch.

This is a really serious problem and i think Devs should reevaluate their decision of disabling side and global chat, with this issue in mind.(I can understand that it adds more realism to the gameplay, which is cool, but not at the cost of disabling all communication methods for some people)

Maybe it would make sense reenabling those channels until direct comm is fixed.

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Hey bobobobo,

Server admins CAN enable side chat through some messy editing of the mission file, although they risk being blacklisted from the hive by doing so... I personally prefer side chat on as well :).

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it would just be great to do so without risks. unefortunately the game is less then half fun when you can't talk and i found at least ten threads about this topic so there are many people having this issue. not just one or two.

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I can confirm it is broken. It has not worked between me and 3 others today either when we needed it to.

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