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shamE (DayZ)

Maybe add the ability to better manage ammo

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Adding a mod that would make it to where you can better manage magazines and clips that are half empty or only have a few more rounds in them. I think it would be a good addition to the mod to both ease headaches and add a little more realism and survival managment.

People look in their pack and see that they have plenty of ammo but if you reload a lot the ammo doesn't get re stacked with other mags that aren't full, so you could walk around thinking you have plently of ammo but all of those mags or clips could only have a few rounds in them and no way to re stack them.

For example make it to where it counts reach round individually so when you reload you get a full mag every time or add the ability to stack 1 or more half empty or almost empty mags/clip to make 1 or more full mag/clip.

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Actually, a "sort ammo" button does sound pretty awesome. If you can find some cover and spend a while taking bullets out of a magazine to full up half-used ones...

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Woops meant to put this in the suggestions section, if a mod could move it would be much appreciated.

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