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Bender Rodriguz

Dayz in game map.

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Was wonder what exactly the sysmbols are in the dayz map in game. I see a circle with a "x" in it saying for example today it said "Night vision here". So ya I went there of course and nothing was there. I checked the place five times. I don't understand why my map says that. Is it like maybe it here maybe its not. Or is it a magic map?

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Anyone can create markers on the map; just double click the map and type whatever you want and that marker will appear for everyone. Very useful for luring noobs :P.

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Alright thanks

No problem, to delete markers on the map just mouse over them and hold down the 'DEL' key.

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I love removing ppls markers im sure it pisses ppl off and gets them lost god what n008s they are XD

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its nice just wirte m107 or something and wait xD

there are always ppl who comes to the marker xD

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Becareful when investigating these markers. As I've watched people go check them out and walk straight into a tramp. For example somebody planted a skoda in the middle of a field

just north of electro and said in the bushes sniping freshly spawned players who thought they got lucky xD

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