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Does this mean hacker scripts?

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I see this quite often in my logs, so for that fact I'm not sure if it's a hack script or in-game script

11.07.2012 14:24:28: Luke (****) ******************* - #34 raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf')

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Yes; addWeapon.sqf is a public script that (by default) adds an M14_AIM and ammo to the executor of the script.

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Dont think it is mate!

If you check out the following few lines you will see that weaponcargo is also there, and it is proceeded by the BIS command!

Christ, I even have it against my name around 6 times in a few logs I checked!

So I wouldnt be going banning anyone having that against their name!

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Also, I have been told that some hackers can force others' clients to run the scripts, so banning those people might be a waste.

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