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Server Difficulty (Recruit, Regular, Veteran, Expert)

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Hey, i know the diffrence between veteran and reguler servers, but what is the diffrent on recruit servers ?

Edited by Wüstenfuchs

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Zombies are marked with grey/white spots on regular servers. So you can see them through walls and even if they're far away.

They aren't marked on regular servers.

Edited by Labargoth
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ahh, thx. I thought maybe there is no night on recruit-servers , cuz i was on a ecruit server yesterday 10 pm (Germany) and the sun was shining

Edited by puluminati

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difference between veteran and regular servers? anyone know?


Edited by Wüstenfuchs due to merging of duplicate threads

Edited by Wüstenfuchs

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Server settings. Example would be cross hairs and name tags off for veteran.

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depends really, most servers run their own config and the whole recruit/regular/veteran is meaningless as some recruit servers have no crosshairs and so on, that's why imo we need a common naming convention that all servers stick to

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Agreed, some vet servers have 3dp on and ch on..how is that Vet ? Atm the recruit/reg/vet/expert does seem meaningless.

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Whether server is recruit, regular, veteran or expert is irrelevant, because server admin can change individual settings in the config. Essentially, you could have everything disabled in regular but 3rd person and crosshair enabled in Veteran, etc.

Not many servers use the defaults, but default difficulty settings are here: http://wiki.zspecialunit.org/index.php?title=ArmA_2_Server_Difficulty_Settings

Ideally every server would have settings such as 3rd person and crosshair mentioned in the server name. Unfortunately the current server naming standard does not define them as mandatory elements: Server Naming

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Oh hahaha i thought i was hacking because i could see the zombies in recruit mode lol i thought it was just me :P

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