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Spawning unconscious, timer does not count down

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Update: Well, the hourglass has gone down about 1/5th of the way in 4hours.... My hunger and thirst are JUST turning red... You'd think temperature or something woulda killed me by now, or maybe a wolf.. maybe some hostile mobs OTHER than zombies could be implemented into the game? lol

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same problem

id: 62985414

nevermind i died....

Edited by VenSen

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I was killed by a player (maybe a hacker, because he appears direktly behind me out of nowhere) - then I was disconnected. After trying to log on again I respawn with everything (it seems so, because I have my pistol in hand) on the coast. But the white hourglass prevents me from creating a new char. The hourglass doesn't time down for ages now. I am a lot longer online than just 10 minutes and nothing happens.

What can I do? It would be no problem to die, I just want to play again. Are there any solutions? Maybe an admin who could kill me again or something like that?

Any help would be appreciated!

Player ID: 34011910

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Same here

ID: 861919174

Please reset my character, I don't mind losing whatever I have

Been like this for 12 hours, the game was running all night and the hourglass hasn't moved a notch

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My gosh guys, just go on the DayZ reddit and post in the "save" section. You'll get a person to come and help you with an epi-pen, also; it's due to the fact that you are alt-F4ing or leaving the game while you're in shock, of which if you log out during you get knocked out. Shock lasts for five minutes, I believe.

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Hello fellow survivors,

I recently had this problem, although i got lucky and someone came along and helped me. I have a couple of solutions to this problem, although they are very rudimentary and may not be in your favor. However this problem can be fixed by:

- an Epipen, however someone else has to give it to you (I would suggest getting a friend to help)

- Dying. Depending on where you are, this will usually happen in 1 of 2 ways, If you are in populated towns, (ie Cherno, Electro, Stary Sobor, NWAF, or anywhere where bandits or other players frequent) then you are lucky, as someone can kill you. However if you are out in the isolated wild, you will most likely have to wait until you starve to death.

- DayZ staff resetting your player ID (can be found in your player profile)

These things will most likely be the solutions.


- Joining a different server

- Changing your player profile

- Re-installing the game

- Computer shutdown

Please don't try to re-install the game. It is 99% of the time a waste of your time.


- As DayZ is still in alpha, it will have many bugs. This problem is known bug that can happen randomly to players.

- If you log out while in shock, this will happen.

- Depending on the server, if you combat log this can happen.

I suspect you either logged out with shock or were afflicted by the bug.

Anyways, I am just here to provide some information. I hope some of this helps.

Cheers! Jimmy

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i was making a fire and my screen went white and said ya momma somethin blah blah, Monkey. i dont know what happened. player ID 64401542 i was on server DayZ - US 3840 i believe. when i log into any server im holding my makarov and timer doesnt count down at all.. thnks for any help you can provide.

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Like Bravo2 above me, I was simply on top of the big industrial tower in Cherno and suddenly, my screen went white and said something like Suck my Monkey or something, and I couldn't exit out of it, so I had to close the game and now have a timer that goes so slow it won't run out. Hoping I won't have to constantly log back in to different servers to wait to die, because it drops me after about 30 min of sitting through the hourglass. Thank you for any help in advance.

The Server was US DC 1458.

My player ID is #88951814.

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try and get a friend to kill you ? thats what happened to me and this guy found me standing still and shot me and killed me ,that made the timer went away

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