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Clear a Town

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One problem I have often run into is the excessive zombie spawning. I mean this in the way that once my squad clear out a small town in less then a minute another horde is already at full sprint toward us. So what I suggest is that once some one has entered a town all of the zombies spawn as they regularly do but once the town is cleared out they do not spawn back immediately until every player has left that area. But implement it where probably a small group of zombies may roam in every 10-20 minuets to investigate what the commotion was they heard in the distance. Then again clearing larger areas such as Cherno will require a massed amount of players to clear and maintain a city. This I think would help random meeting players to work together in order to clear out a town or city.

Edited by ShabaLaba
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You'll need to specify a lot of nuances about how a mechanism like this would work, as it would get boring if once you cleared a village or town no zombies came to the area (I saw that you mentioned "herds" of zombies investigating every so often, but this would take more fine-tuning to be a good aspect to this feature). I agree that you should be able to clear a village/settlement/town/city, but once a location is "secured" there must be a trade-off for maintaining it (i.e. a shit-ton of zombies roams through the area, and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a location).

Also, for major cities such as Chernogorsk or Elektrozavodsk, it might work better if they were segmented. For example, clearing and "taking hold" of the industrial park in Elektrozavodsk will cause no more zombies to spawn directly in that area, but this would in turn cause more zombies to spawn in the other segments of the city, requiring a group to have more and more players as they progress in taking over a city's multiple segments as zombies become exponentially more common. Not to mention this would also cause more zombies to invade secured areas as they become claimed by a group of survivors.

(If this were applied, you would also have to account for how more and more zombies spawning would cause stress on the entire server, and, in turn, the entire world.)

I believe that if this, combined with dynamic world events (see: Guild Wars 2's dynamic events system for more specifics on what I'm talking about.), would encourage people to cooperate (or, better yet, cause splinter factions to form as other groups vie against other groups for control of a location or territory!). This would lead to endless possibilities, especially if game-generated dynamic events spurred a lot of these events seamlessly in-game.

Edited by McSlaughter
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I don't know what the spawn rate is, but I ran into something like this in Prigorodky, which is bascially just a farm east of Cherno. killed 44 zeds before I ran out of bullets and was killed. No way should there have been 44 zeds in that area.

Maybe have it so that each zombie corpse on the ground means one zombie that can't respawn in that area until the corpse fades out. This should cause less stress on servers. Set the corpse fade out to something like 10-20 minutes.

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Good idea, but too tuned in the players favour. Clearing a town by perhaps headshotting all the zombies would demand more skill.

While random influxes of zombie groups would be awesome, every new survivor to the town would also bring new zombies.

That way constant vigilance is require.

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