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Terror (DayZ)

Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

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The [M4D] players definitely abuse this power. Me and a few of my friends have a camp on the 194 server. Two of them were searching around and heard a vehicle coming, they shot at it, killed [M4D] Paratrooper something or other - instantly the others in the vehicle alt f4. My buddies blew up the vehicle and moments later, they log back in and restart the server, getting their shit back. They ended up coming up and looting our camp, we caught them, killed them - rinse and repeat(restart, etc).

These guys are a bunch of babies and can't handle losing their shit. They combat log all the time and hoard all the vehicles at their camp(quite close to ours, we really love stealing all their junk :P) Either way, only reason we stay on the server is because it's quite enjoyable making them rage quit and rage restart the server. If you enjoy having a server go down every 30 minutes, stick around and shoot the [M4D] players.

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Sounds like sour grapes to me... Check our server messages... Server restarts every 4 to 6 hours.

This is to keep the log files clean... If you knew anything about running a server you might understand the need for this.

You see, our server has been on the same mission since it was started. This creates alot of items that are stored on the server.

And alot of players who populate our server.

US 194 Hosted by M4D Clans.com is currently ranked 266th INFO HERE: http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/

Now you stated that I have more than one account here??? Dude.. maybe it is time to take a break from Zombie infested games,as you are clearly paranoid.

We do not abuse anything on our server. We have however been in constant communication with our server provider about the current amount of hackers and how to deal with them.

Currently you will notice that we have changed the server from Veteran to Regular in order to get names of players we watch using "Battle Disconnects" in order to BAN THEM from our servers. We have 6 members recording all encounters with these players... So don't be suprised if you get a ban message while on our server due to using exploits.

We are an HONEST and FAIR gaming Community. That is most likely the reason our server is constantly populated with the same group of players and ranked as high as it is.

Terror: Here is a tip for you, if you don't like our server... how about you go take $56 out of your pocket each month and host your own server.

Until then... you can think that posting babble and BS in these forums is somehow going to affect us, but we document everything that occours in our server... and back it up.

Have a nice day.

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Sounds like sour grapes to me... Check our server messages... Server restarts every 4 to 6 hours.

This is to keep the log files clean... If you knew anything about running a server you might understand the need for this.

You see, our server has been on the same mission since it was started. This creates alot of items that are stored on the server.

And alot of players who populate our server.

US 194 Hosted by M4D Clans.com is currently ranked 266th INFO HERE: http://www.gametrack...22.91.234:2302/

That's all pretty much common sense and what not - but it doesn't change the fact that your clan restarted the server multiple times all within an hour of each other. Each time was after my buddies and I killed your clan mates. Now you can sit here attempting to defend yourself and your clan but the fact you have -MULTIPLE- people claiming you do this, even with screenshots proving it, it's kind of lame.

If it only happened once, I'd say it was just a coincidence that it reset after you all died, but the fact that it happens every time we kill anyone from your clan, steal your vehicles or loot your items from your cluster of tents, it's just a bit too much.

Going back to my first statement in this post though, the server restarted easily three to four times within the same hour yesterday, so either there was some serious lag that needed to be taken care of, or you guys reset it on purpose the moment after you all died. Don't get me wrong, the server is great, no lag, etc - I can't even deny that. Still, you all reset it the moment a group of you dies or you lose your gear.

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I only see 2 people saying something about restarts... you and Terror... As for yesterday... you might have noticed that the server was restarted 3 times around 10PM CST... this was done by the Server provider after we provided video evidence of Teleports and battle disco's to them . they up dated the ban list with the players and we shut the server down for 45 mins to make sure they did not come back with different ip's and guids... we do not cheat ...we do not use exploits...

Any Member of our clan or any pub players caught Battle discoing will be banned from our servers.

Please provide video evidence and appropriate action will be taken.

This is the internet... no video... it didn't happen.

Have a nice day...

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Oh and BTW... there are more than 20 camps with various vehicles and tents that I know of on our server.

We play every day and we, as a clan work together... We also run in packs of more than 2 players... so if you kill 1 or 2 of us... there are usually 2 or 3 more close by to go and take the gear.. and hide the bodies so that you can't take the gear...

Learn how to play as a team with more than 1 other person... learn to be tactically sound as a team and you might understand why some of the things that you call strange or unexplainable occur.

Please feel free to stop into our Teamspeak and speak to me personally tonight around 9 pm CST

TS3 INFO:chi.eoreality.net:10000

I will be more than happy to educate you about how "Integrity and Honesty" are paramount to our clan.

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Not even really worth the time, not like we're going back to your server anyways. Though, a tip - you really shouldn't get so hostile and pissy when approached with situations like this, really doesn't shine well for your clan. You try and speak of honesty and integrity but you sit here with this attitude like you're better in some mysterious way shape and form. It's pretty annoying.

Anyways, if my group does decide to play on your server again, we'll be sure to record it and post it here. Till then, toodles buddy. :)

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Though, a tip - you really shouldn't get so hostile and pissy when approached with situations like this, really doesn't shine well for your clan. You try and speak of honesty and integrity but you sit here with this attitude like you're better in some mysterious way shape and form. It's pretty annoying.

There is nothing mysterious about the fact that you are playing on a server we are paying for and don't have a clue what it takes to keep a server populated and frendly for all to play in.

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You're quite wrong in that statement and once more are making massive assumptions to make yourself feel better. Whatever helps ya sleep at night buddy.

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Hi m4d fellas.

Quick question:

I was just banned a few minutes ago for "battle disco" which I assume, means disconnecting during battle to avoid death.

My Dayz sessions crashed to desktop twice about 30min prior to this, and I was in the wilderness and very much not in combat.

I was at the time, helping a friend so I was near another player but no shots fired by anyone the entire time I was in your server.

Please elaborate on the reason for this ban and at the very least, if it's not overturned as a mistake, I can avoid doing something in the future on another community's server resulting in a ban.

Thank you.

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You were witnessed by more than one player on the server Disconnecting to avoid death from a player.

As per Rockets rules... you were banned from playing on our server. Please feel free to stop by our website to post an appeal with any proof you might have to defend yourself.

We believe in being fair and hope if this is somehow a misunderstanding that you will come post about it in our forum.

Have a nice day...

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If the onus is on me to prove I wasn't logging out during battle, I have no recourse.

Your server, your rules and I respect that so we agree to disagree and I will play elsewhere.

Thanks for the response either way, I was confused by "battle disco" which was a term I wasn't familiar with and I pictured people firing AK's into the air while stayin alive.

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