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Terror (DayZ)

Dayz - US194 Admin Abuse

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My group was at the Northwest airfield southern barracks when 2 of our members were sniped. One of the snipers came out of the woods behind us and began looting when we killed him. Seeing it was a [M4D] Clan member we figured there would be more than one so we stayed hidden until one of us spotted the 2nt guy in a tree and proceded to unload on him. He Alt-F4'd to avoid death. A few minutes later i spotted another guy with a .50 caliber sniper at the hangers so i sniped him. It was [M4D] Leadcatcher. About 30 seconds later the server was shut down and restarted. All 4 of the boddies were gone and so was my murder count on Leadcatcher. As we logged in we saw this in chat "BLUFOR ([M4D] Leadcatcher): 'Bastards DMR me at airfield!!! DIE!!!'" About a minute after that one of our members hiding in a tree was killed by a .50 caliber sniper. Our other member was hidden nearby and saw the sniper looting the body and proceded to shoot him many times on full auto. He disconnected to try and avoid death. A few seconds later the server shut down and restarted again.

I know we probably wont get our gear back but i would like to see some action taken to ban this admin or shut the abusive clan server down. A few screenshots of the events are attached.



Edited by Terror
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Thanks for sharing. I'll be avoiding that server. Nothing like a bunch of disconnector/server restarters who probably bitch and moan when people do it to them. Pathetic.

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I was told by Vipeax to post it in the Cheat section

Surprisingly enough, I've been moving any Server reports to server general since it is not a cheat/hack but more of abuse. I tried to pm Vipeax about this before and got no response, so I kept moving them.

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It's cool Legacy. It was inbetween 10.000 other lines of chat so I didn't even manage to read anything beyond "cheat" and "report" ;).

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curious question if any forum mod's can answer for me.

Would restarting the server include rolling it back so that the admin would get his rifle back? he had done it twice and i'm not sure if that reverts his gear because it seemed as if it did so i'm slightly confused.

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Admins can't roll back servers. Best a restart would do is keep you away from his gear if he died.

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Admins can't roll back servers. Best a restart would do is keep you away from his gear if he died.

wrong, a force restart will rollback all players and their gear to the last saved location

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Explain the force restart and last saved location. Isn't it always sending data to the hive to save the location?

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It doesn't seem. It just happened to me 15 minutes ago. I had been playing on a server for about an hour switching gear from a previous life's tent to a new tent, going to town to loot supermarket and so on, to then face the "no message received for xx seconds" report. Server had been restarted. I logged back in and my position was where I had logged in the first time with none of the loot I had collected in the whole playtime.

The interesting thing is that all the stuff I had saved in the new tent was there, but it was also back in the old tent, so server restart pretty much duped my entire stash. It DOES seem that nothing is sent to hive until you log out...

Edited by Nardypants

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Funny when I play their the only time the server restarts is to keep the lag and loading times to a minimum, but i see a lot of servers do that.

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Hummmm, well I am An M4D member... I am the one who posted Die bastards who killed me with DMR... But as far as a server restart goes...

If the server restarts... it is due to Battleye or the server provider.

We do not do cheat or use any tactics to gain an advantage by owning the server.

We have several servers in both ARMa and BF3

We are a well known gaming community and have been for quite some time, with over 100 active members.

From our clan charter:

M4D Clan is a community of PC gamers from all walks of life who believe in fair and honorable gaming. We look for skill and place high value on great attitude. We are both casual gamers and competitive gamers who actively attend clan events and competitive tournaments. We believe in a cheat free environment which is why we are a member of PBBans. Our goal is to provide a drama free entertainment community for all gamers and others on our servers.

Edited by Leadcatcher22
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my friends and I are part of a smaller clan in this server and we play everyday. These guys are really nice and they even joke around with us. I dont think at all that these guys reset the server, instead they reset it pretty often for no lag. I love this server because I never lag. Whoever this guy is that posted this, seems to be immature and ignorant. Thanks and please keep this server going.

-[s.W.A.G.] HAND

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2 Days ago I joined this server when i saw it was "Briefing"... so "yeah restart, fresh crash sites". I joined with other 10-11 random people and I got one near Berezino.. aaaand my new L85A2 AWS. I stealthed through the woods and found a well parked UAZ with some guns I don't need. So i drove lil around, parket it in some woods again (I don't likle destroying "legit" parked vehicles) and found 2 tents with GPS (thanks).

I'm from Germany and this server runs really good, nice pings oversea and it's stable; and I also saw some M4D people during my sessions. Can't tell any bad things about the server. It's on my fav-list.

Edited by Flail
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LOL! Just played on us194, killed about 6 M4D guys in electro with my friends (server hosted by M4D). When we killed the last two guys the server went down.

Ye, I know whats going on here. LMAO

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btw, out of the 6 guys we killed 4 of the corpses disappeared instantly. we could hear the flies but nothing to loot.

Is this some kind of exploit/hack?

ps. m4d clan, U Mad?

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my friends and I are part of a smaller clan in this server and we play everyday. These guys are really nice and they even joke around with us. I dont think at all that these guys reset the server, instead they reset it pretty often for no lag. I love this server because I never lag. Whoever this guy is that posted this, seems to be immature and ignorant. Thanks and please keep this server going.

-[s.W.A.G.] HAND

Immature and ignorant because a team of 5 people killed some clan admins on their server who were fully geared and the server just happened 2 restart within 30 secs of each? Even if it was just a huge coincidence pretty sure we are not the admins screaming profanity and threats over global chat(public side chat is not on btw).

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O also forgot 2 mention, notice how "BROverlord" posted just a few minutes after leadcatcher and only has one post on his profile? be less obvious with your extra accounts to try and defend yourself please.

Edit: in fact the account was made just before the post.

Edited by Terror

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