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Possible Hacker on FR #18

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Hello, I'm posting this the minute after this event. The event occurred around 7:08 London GMT.

Me and my friend were playing DayZ on the FR #18. We were at Cherno in one of the buildings. We were scavenging for ammo cause I needed some for my Makarov. We were about to head back out when I was suddenly instantly killed without warning, it also happend to my friend. I saw some others die too, I don't know if there deaths had anything to do with it but it was quite weird. It might of been a bug but I really am not sure. Although I heard gunfire a few minutes before. I wasn't shot,and I did not bleed out, I had almost full blood around 11500. I fell straight unconscious for a split second and died. My friend was in a skype call and he dropped dead too a few seconds after I did. I didn't manage to take a screenshot but hopefully some other people who may be on the server and might of been affected of took one, I'm going to reconnect on the server, but its full, so I cannot say for sure what it happening. If I can get a screenshot, I will post it on this page.

Edited by dan1697

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I would say sniper or two, but as you said, some others died too, then I think this could be legit, cheers man :D

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I would say sniper or two, but as you said, some others died too, then I think this could be legit, cheers man :D

I would probably say so myself. I've been shot and killed by snipers before, the only thing is though, I didn't hear no gunshots at all and there was no one around. I'm not saying it wasn't a sniper but I couldn't of been shot, I was in one of the back rooms in the double joined building, me and my friend were both stood there, next thing we knew, we dropped dead.

Edited by dan1697

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