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DayZPvP.com is looking for bloggers, artists and tacticians.

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Do you have a blog or site and want to cross-promote? Are you tactically minded and know a lot about the game that you can offer to others? Maybe you have never wrote for a blog before and would like to start. This whole thing is new to me so the design is not perfect, but we all know content is king.

My new blog is growing fast but I need different perspectives to offer my readers. I am looking for either guest bloggers or people that want to write only for DayZPvP.com. Obviously the blog is geared toward the PvP aspect, but in these early days my readers can use any information they can get their hands on. A few people have offered to help, but so far none has. I don't want words or promises, I want production and content. 1-2 posts a week would be perfectly fine if that is all you can muster. I also post reviews and links that need blurbs written for them.

If you want to get involved just send me either a whole post, or part of a post you have written. If it's good I will put it up. The first few posts I will post myself, always using your name at the top giving you proper credit. After you get a few posts under your belt I will change your status to author and you can post yourself. I just don't want to add a blogger that does one or 2 posts then is never seen again. If you have a nice one-off thing you have written, that can work too. I will post it, of course putting your name prominently at the top.

After some time as a guest contributor you can have your own section. Think of it as a column in a newspaper or magazine. Of course this all takes time, trust must be built. I have another much, much larger project in the works as well, but that is in the weeks ahead.

Please reply, PM, email [email protected] or use the contact form on the site.

Edited by DayZPvP.com
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Heres a tactic. Kill stuff 'til its dead.

If only it were that easy...

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I might be interested in doing something like that. Let me try and get some ideas going and I'll let you know.

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I might be interested in doing something like that. Let me try and get some ideas going and I'll let you know.

Please do!

Email or PM me something and we can go from there. I am looking forward to reading what you have. Over 16, 500 hits in our first week week, so your work will be noticed.

Edited by DayZPvP.com

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Contact Sacriel42 and have him do a piece. Look him up on youtube. Great player. And he's very coordinated and tactical. Sure it'd make for a good read, if he was willing to do it.

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I may be able to help...

I can do graphics for you guys, just tell me what you need and I can deliver.

Contact Sacriel42 and have him do a piece. Look him up on youtube. Great player. And he's very coordinated and tactical. Sure it'd make for a good read, if he was willing to do it.

I personally think he might like to do that.

Edited by Venzire

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I would be keen for writing some stuff up for you mate! Always have some awesome experiences with my mates tactical wise and suspenseful wise ... PM me if you're keen

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Thank you everyone for the responses, please email them to [email protected] or use the form on the site (you could PM them to me here as well).

I am really looking forward to reading what you guys have!

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I may be able to help...

I can do graphics for you guys, just tell me what you need and I can deliver.

Thank you for the offer, can you please shoot me a link to your DA or sites you have done, etc.

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Contact Sacriel42 and have him do a piece. Look him up on youtube. Great player. And he's very coordinated and tactical. Sure it'd make for a good read, if he was willing to do it.

I know who he is, I agree he has some great videos. I have been a subscriber for a while.

Good lead, thank you. I will contact him, but can *you* also please email him? Maybe be just say you read the blog and would like to see something he has written. You know, some peer pressure :)

Edited by DayZPvP.com

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