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I literally can not play the game for more than 3 minutes

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I use to be able to play without interruption. Now i join any server and i get the "No message received." Prompt. is there anyway to fix this?

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Perhaps a problem with your connection.

I think my connection is fine because in the lobby it shows my ping and its usually around 40-60 sometimes even 20-30

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It's just in alpha stage. Keep trying, and be patient. The consensus that I've heard (although I don't know how true this is. You'll have to ask a Dev) is that the central database server, which holds your character data, is often overloaded, due to the huge amount of people that play this mod.

I doubt it is in anyway a client-side problem, as I often have connectivity issues, along with most of the other players.

As said before, keep trying to get into servers, and once you're in one, play your heart out.

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Some say that we got a DDoS attack occuring. atleast that's what all fags say on the waiting for server thingy atm.

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While it is true that the character database is overloaded and needs upgrades, no message received is a server problem. Server stability seems to have taken a dive this patch. Hopefully with the changes to spawn rate in the next one, this will be partially resolved. As it stands servers are more prone to crashing, and need frequent restarts or else loot and zombies will cease spawning.

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There are known server and database issues already being discussed on the forum. Just be patient - the devs will be aware of the issues and working through them. Locking the thread because nobody has the answer and we're all doomed.

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