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Afew MUST have ideas!

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When you die, you get the see the last few things that hit you and what killed you..... it helps with wtf rage.$edit, i meant a combat log, not fallout death cam :)

remove the ability to set gamma in-game, set all servers to a local time so people can't jump server when it gets too dark, and fix the moon actually gives off some light so we can see at night.

weapons/items that use night vision or thermal vision use battery power, to use them you need to find these rare items.

players start with a stick, so we can bash zombies and die trying.. its better than nothing...

the ability to use the hunting knife + wood + flint to spark a fire, this should be used rarly because it blunts the knife and can cause you to bleed if you fail the attempt > the bleed links to another idea in the list, this bleed would be a minor wound.

when you break your leg, using two bandage + two wood allows you to splint your leg, this slows your movment -25% and +8% to noise while moving, you cannot kneel while splinted.

when you run out of ammo for a weapon you can use the weapon as a club.

have the ability to shoulder one main weapon while you use another, this slows movment by -8% and noise by +5%

have degrees of bleed, not every cut should gush like some cheesy japansese manga, minor wounds should stop bleeding on their own, average wound stops after some time has passes, major woulds will kill you if you dont bandage.

Edited by direwind
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When you die, you get the see the last few things that hit you and what killed you..... it helps with wtf rage.

Like a "Kill-Cam"?

remove the ability to set gamma in-game, set all servers to a local time so people can't jump server when it gets too dark, and fix the moon actually gives off some light so we can see at night.

A Local Time for the Server or all of them.

It would be hard to set it for all of the servers because they're not hosted in one specific country though.

weapons/items that use night vision or thermal vision use battery power, to use them you need to find these rare items.

Not Rare, maybe..

Like 2 - 4 Batteries?

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1. That could let you voice chat with another to pin-point the murderer, out of game chat. Be unfair for the killer. You get sniped in real-life you don't instantly know where they are.

2. But darkness makes it fun.

3. I guess that's possible and wouldn't mind it.

4. Id prefer having nothing. People don't shoot you as much when your unarmed.

5.Id like it. But the chance has to be low like 10%.

6.I think just one wood would be good since you get a stack of it.

7.Depends on what gun. Also remember these are physically stronger zombies than the average human. You don't wanna put your hand near them. Its why a long axe is a melee weapon.

8. Almost everyone would do this. Why have a pistol and a sniper, when you can have a sniper and a shotgun for a little less stealth?

9.That would help with realism. I like it!

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When you die, you get the see the last few things that hit you and what killed you..... it helps with wtf rage - umm.. ok, doesn't really bother me all that much.

remove the ability to set gamma in-game, set all servers to a local time so people can't jump server when it gets too dark, and fix the moon actually gives off some light so we can see at night. It's fine as is imo

weapons/items that use night vision or thermal vision use battery power, to use them you need to find these rare items. Yes

players start with a stick, so we can bash zombies and die trying.. its better than nothing... Or a basic melee attack like punch or push, to stun an attacker for 1-2 seconds.

the ability to use the hunting knife + wood + flint to spark a fire, this should be used rarly because it blunts the knife and can cause you to bleed if you fail the attempt like all but the bleeding bit, see many many ranting threads about this if implemented

when you break your leg, using two bandage + two wood allows you to splint your leg, this slows your movment -25% and +8% to noise while moving, you cannot kneel while splinted.Yes

when you run out of ammo for a weapon you can use the weapon as a club. not sure about this one

have the ability to shoulder one main weapon while you use another, this slows movment by -8% and noise by +5% Shoulder a rifle for sure, add noise slow you down? not so much.. that's why they have straps to shoulder them. It's more awkward to run with a rifle or climb with a rifle than with it shouldered.

have degrees of bleed, not every cut should gush like some cheesy japansese manga, minor wounds should stop bleeding on their own, average wound stops after some time has passes, major woulds will kill you if you dont bandage. YES, plus bigger wounds should require 2 bandages. or to swap out a bandage, say from a gun shot.

Edited by Burro

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another idea!

Food is and water is drained while offline, if you are uncamped and log out in an alter state(not at rest, not near a camp or bed) then you use more food and water. this will make the game harder! and alot more realistic!

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another idea!

Food is and water is drained while offline, if you are uncamped and log out in an alter state(not at rest, not near a camp or bed) then you use more food and water. this will make the game harder! and alot more realistic!

Sorry man, I have to disagree with this one. I feel like games should stop when you stop playing them. I would hate to go on vacation, come back only to find my character starved to death while I was away.

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Omgsh its like he wants us to feel pain!

Back off you crazy person!

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