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More incentive for teamwork

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There needs to be more incentive for team work in this mod. I only ever get killed by bandits, this makes the zeds more of a nuance than the actual threat. I think there should be more incentive to work together because currently there isnt enough. If you work together your a little safer, but you have to share loot. Bandits obviously get the easy loot and thats why they kill each other, what do people working together get?

Maybe if you work with other players you find better loot? Maybe find specific items that are only presented when you work with other players?

I think something needs to balance this out because I believe the real threat should be the zeds, then the bandits. And in that order.

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Yeah currently it is unbalanced and it works like this.

1. People still play it as a game and for lulz

2. People kill other people

3. People being killed get angry about being constantly killed

4. Angry people start killing other people

5. Repeat 2-4

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The entire thing that makes this mod unique from the endless tide of zombie co-op missions or mods or games is that players are free to do what they want, including screwing each other over. Without that, or with 'incentives' to try and force PVE against zombies, it loses what makes it unique and becomes boring and predictable.

This topic has been done to death already, as you would have seen if you'd bothered to read the big thread stickied to the top of the pages entitled "READ BEFORE POSTING", or words to that effect.

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I may have to split loot with my friends that I roll with but the benefit of having them with me far outweighs that. The last 2 or 3 times I've died I was able to get back all my gear because I had buddies to kill/run off the bandits and guard my corpse. Considering I've managed to collect up NVG's, GPS, M4 CCO SD, etc. cooperation with a larger group is truly invaluable and I never hestitate to repay the service in kind; most recently Mr.C killed one of my team mates trying to steal a car we got working, unfortunately for him they were coming to pick me up and from my hidden position in the trees I put half a STANAG SD mag into him for his trouble and Mr.C never got to loot my friend that he killed.

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1. if you die you can get your gear back (very difficult/ sometimes impossible by yourself)

2. possibly more fun (most people have more fun playing in a group then by themselves)

3. safety

that took me literally 10 seconds to think up... how is that not enough of an incentive?

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Currently there are more incentives to work together than alone.

1) More people means more security from bandits and other dangers, it also means more eyes to spot said dangers. If I were a lone bandit watching 4 survivors working together, my chances of taking that group would be very low, you shoot one guy and all the rest will try to kill you.

2) As of now there is only one thing I noticed needs team work, blood transfusion, if another player doesn’t do this for you, you recover your lost blood at a very slow pace, which is realistic. As a Bandit getting someone to help you with this would be difficult and dangerous, if you approach a survivor they are more likely to shoot you than help, and with a Bandit they are also more likely to shoot you then waste a blood pack on a weak and obviously incompetent bandit, competent bandits don’t get shot. :)

I honestly think the current system is very good, except the whole shooting someone in self defense can get you marked as a bandit thing, that can ruin your game experience.

Unfortunately today’s society is full of players who are more focused on instant gratification. If I shoot that survivor ill get lots of loot right now instead of having to look for it, and believe me, a survivor is not "easy loot" that’s another player your shooting at, he/she will be able to do anything you can do, its a contest of skill and intelligence. I for one am not gonna go down easy.

As an example I will use one of my own experiences, I was approaching an airfield on one of my lives, and I heard these are good places for good loot, but they are dangerous because bandits know this too, I was sneaking around and found a silent MP5, this is an awesome weapon for a bandit but it also works for me because now I can take out Zeds without a horde descending on me, as I looked around I heard shots coming from the control tower, I called out several times on different channels to see who was there but got no answer, this should have been an indicator that what I was going to do next was a very stupid idea, but I didn’t listen to my conscience. I went to investigate, my thought was, if its a survivor he is probably in bad trouble at the moment and I could probably help, if its a bandit I feel justified killing him and making the area a safer place for other survivors, not to mention what ever loot he had stolen from other survivors. To make a long story short, I made a horrible tactical mistake in thinking he was not prepared for my silenced MP5, he wasn’t, but he had a better position and a better gun for the moment, and so I was gunned down, I did hit him and he was probably injured, but I was still dead.

What you should learn from this is, the bandit had no advantage over me that was based on game balance or the game engine, he had a tactical advantage, one I could have easily exploited had I thought about it at the time, I could have just left, or got a better position to see who or what was in the tower, instead I chose to put myself at a hefty disadvantage.

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a better system for the server to decide if you murderd someone or killed them in self defence would help limit pk's"

ex they had a weapon unholsterd and pointed directly at you"limit the amount of people you can kill for pointing a weapon at you maybe 1 or 2 times a hour?"

if they are shooting at you"server detects bullets passing close to you"

or if they shoot you

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Pardon me Rossmum, you don't need to be rude just because this conversation is taking place over the web. For your information I did search and didn't find anything on the subject. Im simply attempting to figure ways to curb things like bandits posting up near spawn points and picking survivors off soon as they spawn because that's just plain frustrating. But I suppose that should be under a different subject entirely, and I suppose thats freedom of players choice..

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The ONLY thing I would EVER need a group for, is storage. To me groups are bunch of pussies. :P

That being said, I really don't think they need to have anything special. They already have increased survivability, what more could you really ask for? Whatever...to each their own. I'm not down for this or any magic special perks for certain play styles. I mean I could ask for more storage 'cause I don't have a group or since I'm not in a group car parts should cost less for me. And many other thing's for the loner type play style. But I won't. It is what it is and it should stay that way.

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