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Land Squid

Respawn rate and distance...

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I love the increased number of zeds with the last patch but I think the respawn rate and minimum distance needs a bit of a tweak.

My friends and I were clearing a town carefully and methodically, but with the current spawn times (only a couple of minutes) we had the zeds magically reappearing right behind us as we moved through the town. Additionally with the minimum distance involved we had zeds appearing out of thin air at touching distance from the players.

One of the other problems with the current spawn rates was the instance in which you accidentally aggro'd an entire town. Standard protocol was to hole up in a defensible location and hope you had enough ammo to mow them all down. However with the exceedingly quick respawn more were appearing before we had managed to kill the previous spawns resulting in never ending zombie wave attacks.

My suggestion is to push respawn times for zeds out to about 30-45 minutes, and minimum distance from players out to 75-100 meters. This way players have a chance to actually clear and secure towns/areas and then have time to scavenge for supplies before moving on. Given these extended spawn times I would even go for a further increase (say 20%) over the current zed population.

Simultaneously I would also recommend the same minimum distance/minimum time for spawning items to keep players from camping a location, preventing zombies from repopulating (due to player presence) and just farming equipment with impunity.

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I second this, the respawn rate is too high.

I cleared Rogovo today with Lee Enfield, fired in the big building on the hill, aggro'ed and killed maybe 30 zeds and by the time I was done looting their bodies the whole village was respawned. Did this twice in a row with same result.

After the second massacre I accidentally pulled yet another respawned zed and I just run into the building to log off, couldn't be bothered to clear the whole village again for the third time in like 15 minutes.

I like the new zombie numbers but I think that the respawn rate should be tweaked. Although 30-45 minutes seems a little too much.

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