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1.7.2 Ghillie Suit Issues Abundant

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This patch has been great, although servers are suffering from it and zombies are very paranoid.

I have found that Ghillie Suits are very broken at the moment. When I first blossomed into the 1.7.2 patch, I noticed my suit was gone.

The next day, my friend found a Ghillie Suit pack and equipped it. He later told me that he was randomly swimming whilst inside a building...shortly after checked his backpack and found everything gone.

Hope this gives you some insight on the issue at hand and that its fixed soon ^^

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happened to me as well but with the camo suit. lost everything in my inventory except the items on my tool belt and the ones in my pack.

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maybe read the forums first before posting something what has been posted 10 times lol

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I just lost everything inside my inventory after equipping with the ghillie suit.. along with the ghillie suit.

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