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Damage/Hit registration

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Anyone wanna explain it to me? I've put 5-10 makarov bullets into people standing completely still (at least 3 hit them in the head) and they don't die (they are just incapacitated). But it seems like everyone else shoots me once in the head as i'm moving and I die instantly (even with full blood). It's not server lag cause neither party was lagging either time (the shots were on time when i died and their reactions after i died didn't seem laggy/choppy) and i'm not missing... I'm not spamming the bullets, one shot at a time... is this just basically arma 2 being a pos engine? I've seen what lag does when shooting at people (it has taken me 24 rifle bullets point blank to kill some one and 2-3 makarov clips point blank when the other person is lagging so i know its not that)

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Lag, this mod is laggy as lag can ever get. Even if you score a hit on their box, it takes a good 3 seconds to register, and by that time they're usually already shooting at you. Even if your ping and their ping is fine, the actual "who hit who" is done by the server, which has to process thousands upon thousands of variables over vast terrain. It has to calculate EVERY zombie movement to the pixel and send that to up to 50 people per server, and there are tens of servers (maybe a hundred or more easily). So in the time it takes you to shoot and the server to register you hit, caused damage, and killed, the other player can easily find you and put just as many rounds in.

That's not even counting the persistent world bit, which has to send all of this from a central hub, so the logistics is mind boggling.

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That makes sense. Well guess itll just be shitty reg forever then (even though that has been the problem in most games for the past 10 years) unless they some how optimize everything which is a shit load of work. Guess i'll have plenty of more instances where i killed the guy in front of me and still die from his "invisible" shots. Guess i'll start loving the enfield even more cause thats the only gun i can apparently 1 shot some one with when its a headshot xD Thanks for the quick response. I figured it was bandwith shit, but wanted to get a real answer instead of assuming. It is kinda getting annoying tho only playing for 15 mins then a server crashes, spending 30-40 minutes trying to find a server that is connected to the database, only to get into a server and be incapacitated for no reason, join another server and half my shit in my backpack is missing, only to be killed by 1 shot to the face by a guy with a mak as im going up stairs and knowing i still would have died even if i did get to shoot him in the face :( i'm pretty sure i hit like 6 glitches fucking me over today in the span of an hour only to die :/ well more like 2 or 3 hours if you add the waiting time in :P

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The makarov uses one of the weakest bullet types in the game, so you'll need multiple headshots and even more body shots to drop a player, who has considerably more health than a zombie. They one shot you in the head probably with a revolver or primary weapon, which do considerably more damage.

Additionally if the target is moving, keep in mind you'll have to lead it, as there are no hitscan weapons in Arma. Every bullet has travel time, and can arrive at the targets position upon firing long after the target has moved away.

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Yes, there's quite a delay between the bullet impacting your target and the hit actually registering, ample time for your opponent to shoot you back - even if you should have killed him with your first shot! As a result of this, I avoid close combat at all costs.

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It's getting optimized, but for now stick to the basic survival rule of thumb:

Shoot only when you can get away with it.

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