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Brainz (DayZ)

Unofficial site about DayZ - Polish language

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Some time ago I created a simple site where I was translating all the news about Day Z to Polish language.

I would like to know is there any possibility to add it on the main site as the fansite or official site in Polish language (something like EVE Online have).


So basically, what I'm trying to do is to create a place for Polish ppl that are not speaking english to get some info about our beloved MOD.

I hope I didn't broke any rules.

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I want to thank all the people that are supporting me to keep translating news and stuff...

oh btw.

DayZ is awes00me!

Who didn't watch Shawn of the Dead need to do it! (I think that Rocket was under influence of that movie when he created our loved MOD!)

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Well... I can't hide my amusement.

Some time ago at twitter BI asked for brief @ to Matt Lightfoot about sites that are about DayZ.

I run a site from May 2012, translating patchnotes, adding posts about DayZ, searching for a interesting/funny vids... with hard work building a Polish community and today I got an info that Matt picked other site... that was created in december 2012 which have no community at all :(

Sorry for this sad post but I'm just shocked and amused. I feel like all my work went in vain.

And here we are in topic created in May... Matt or anyone in BI - May I ask you for a brief info about it? :(

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Hey man, I am half Polish but I never learned the language properly :( My sisters speak it though. Don't worry, your website will pick up steam eventually, especially with all the work you put into it. Good luck!

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