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DayZ with WmD - Miniseries

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Hey guys,Originally we're a Company of Heroes clan (WWII RTS) but we have a big group playing DayZ for a few months now. Thought it would be a nice idea to make a miniseries with the adventures that we have. I'll shall post the latest episode here, the other 4 are on our Youtube-channel: http://www.youtube.c...Yw?feature=mhee . Enjoy and subscribe if you did :)

Episode 09: Chernooooo

Edited by WmDGeneralHeaven
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Epic intro. Very well put together. Reminds me very much of Band of Brothers lol

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CoH nice. Waiting for CoH2. Wrath and Blackrussian play this game.. the #1 2v2 AT Team for Allies and Axis. That music still gives goosebumps.

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Lol cant believe that guy didnt notice any of you XD.

Ye indeed, that's why we got so confused. Because he ran just right through our whole group.

I think you the video also shows why I'm not the designated sniper in our group :P haha

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:blush: Intro is so beatuiful... latest episode is quite confusing indeed!

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It's been awhile, but here is another episode for this series. This one includes, as the title says, our first encounter with a Huey. You'll also see: a classic case of 'forgetting to reload your weapon before you shoot' and why taking a drink can be more dangerous than you think..

Enjoy it, and subscribe to our channel if you like our episodes.

Video is added to the OP ;)

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OP updated with Episode 09! This time we show a raid we did in Cherno last night. We were just derping around. But, there's always action in Cherno! Enjoy this 1

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