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Need tips on being a survivor!! (Help Plz)

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I usually play as a bandit, but this time I want to try the challenge as playing as a survivor who doesn't kill people for fun or for their stuff. The number one problem I have try doing this is, once I help someone or come across someone they just shoot me in the face... I find it really hard to survive not getting any murders. If you friendlies could help me with this dilemma that would really help!

Thanks for the help! :D

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A roaming loner, or small group of survivors WILL NOT logically open fire on a force that OBVIOUSLY outnumbers them. It would be mathematically improbable they would survive and logically would either turn and run, or lower their weapons and hope for the best.

So in order to get the best reaction:

1) Be armed

2) Be with a group


Explain friendly intentions, and offer assistance. IF they decline assistance, keep your eyes on them as they continue on their way.

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Do not approach anyone. Put as much space between them and you as possible. Only communicate if they know you are there.

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use the forest, go north, avoid High value military areas, avoid Cherno or Elektro, avoid going to North West Airfield, avoid going to places where you see dead zombies/players because there was someone probably there and looted the player if he had any good stuff but if you see zombies alive next to the player, kill them and go loot him. Always have at least 1 bandage, 2 morphine, 1 painkiller, 2 drinks and 2 food with you. Don't throw flares close to you or carry them at night near cities or towns, if you hear gunshots from a city, get out of it, if your not in it then run towards the forest and go prone as soon as you can and start to crawl a bit out and see if you can identify the shooters, if you got a sniper rifle then try to take them out if they seem to be bandits and are attacking other players if not, ask in direct chat whether they are friendly or not. If they do not response, gun him/them down if you have a sniper rifle and only 1 of them has a sniper because you can get deadly return fire since they will tell each other of your position. If your position is discovered start to crouch run away and get far. If you did manage to see few bandits and you took one down, camp it for 20 minutes and make sure no one is hiding to kill you when you want to loot it. I personally camped my friend for 1:30 hours to kill a group of bandits alone when they looted him. it was night too. poor bastards didn't know what hit them :D

Avoid going to Starysabor's military tents too, snipers camp that area.

Edited by 1234Darkmaster
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My number one rule when playing a Survivor (which is all I ever do when I'm alone) is to never, EVER initiate contact with other survivors unless you have the upper hand. This can mean several things, such as having a gun trained to their head, or initiating contact from a concealed location, where you can bolt if necessary.

If someone does not talk back and seems rather suspicious, assume hostile and either shoot em or (preferably in my case) get out.

NEVER, EVER EVER EVER just run straight at someone or in the open shouting "Friendly! Friendly!" You will be shot down without remorse by almost everybody.

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I had a situation where I saved a man and he was very thankful, and he was helping me,but when his friend arrived he just shot me in the face. Should I have just shot his friend? What do I do here? And thanks for all your help! :D

Edited by Kotae

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I had a situation where I saved a man and he was very thankful, and he was helping me,but when his friend arrived he just shot me in the face. Should I have just shot his friend? What do I do here? And thanks for all your help! :D

Unfortunately as can be the case, this was probably predetermined, and he had every intention of setting you up for a fall when his friend arrived so they could loot your corpse. Even though you saved him, backstabbing is very common in DayZ XD

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Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

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My best advice is to ALWAYS use your mic when people are near by, I'm being very serious if you hear foot steps then they hear your steps too. My personal rule of thumb is say "Are you friendly" if I get no responce I say "If you don't answer I will shoot you." if I get no responce I say "ARE YOU FRIENDLY!!!" if I still get no responce I either run away or look for them and kill them first.

If someone talks to you ALWAYS talk back, small talk goes a LONG way. Even if they want to kill you, they probibly woan't after you ask how they are doing.

And a little trick I picked up is warn them of danger near by... even if it's a lie. i.e. if you raided a barn a few km away tell your new friend someone was trying to shoot you while you were there.

Good luck. :)

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I had a situation where I saved a man and he was very thankful, and he was helping me,but when his friend arrived he just shot me in the face. Should I have just shot his friend? What do I do here? And thanks for all your help! :D

If ANYONE tells me "I want you to meet my friend" I'll say "Okay, but I'm standing behind you."

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