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Otis (DayZ)

Military Ambience

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First i'd like to start by saying that I am extremely satisfied with this Mod. Thank you for putting so much effort into your work, I've been enjoying the mod immensely, a few bugs here and there but in the end it's worth it just to play.

So with my suggestion which is just a small one and hopefully doesn't outrage anyone. I would like to suggest some small Military interference, now wait... Take a second to chill out before you start thinking about Heavy armoured squads murdering everything because that's not what i am trying to suggest.

What I'm really trying to suggest are small things that show that there is a mysterious military force present, and ways that this could be achieved could be like a simple Helicopter (perhaps scripted) to down the coastline with a spotlight. Imagine how great that would look at Night on your way down the main road and suddenly hearing a Black-hawk fly above your head, spotting along the road (Not actually shooting or harming anything, more so scouts).

I personally think that this would be a great way to further create the Zombie Outbreak atmosphere to show that there are remnants of the Army left in Chernarus. It would be similar to what is seen in the movie, Dawn of the Dead, when an Army Helicopter is flying over them giving the people (players) false hope that they're safe.

Anyway that's just a suggestion of mine :), feel free to criticize of course.

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Hmm, I think it'd aid the mod, but only if, like you've described, military had not real effect on the gameplay. Maybe jet fighters flying once or twice a day (ingame time) over major cities as well.

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That's exactly what i was trying to portray. Fighter Jets are probably a better example.

If at all possible it could affect gameplay it should only be at the very most something like;

Helicopter on a flight path around Chernarus, low on fuel and will eventually crash. If you're lucky enough you can find the crash sight somewhere inland and find a possible military grade weapon, but nothing too flash, just some cool loot as it would be an extremely rare situation.

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We need government kill teams, running around in samll squads shooting at everything. Zombies and players. That'd be fun :)

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Ha, excellent idea!

I was thinking about something similar, too.

But what I had in mind were sidemission-type things, like "Investigate a chopper crash site" and stuff like that.

Still, would like to see that sort of thing.

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Ha' date=' excellent idea!

I was thinking about something similar, too.

But what I had in mind were sidemission-type things, like "Investigate a chopper crash site" and stuff like that.

Still, would like to see that sort of thing.


That is actually an active side-mission in Dynamic Zombie Sandbox, but instead of it being a helicopter, it was a C-130, and it had AI soldiers guarding the crash site that survived the impact. Worked well because they were guarding a small cache of weapons.

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Aircrafts passing over the map once in a while would be a nice ambient effect.

Make an Hercules spawn once a day dropping supply crates randomly around Chernarus.

Maybe containg better food that gives a little more blood back than beans and pasta, and some medical supplies. Attach flares to crates for night drops :)

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I too have thought about this. Encounters with the military could be a huge "risk vs. reward" situation in terms of the danger they pose, but also the loot you have to gain.

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I think a good question to ask is how widespread is this epidemic? Will outside governments still be operating? Why wouldn't they have locked the area down by now?

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I agree with this. In addition, I think a few bandit NPCs would be a cool addition, of course having lower damage, health and worse aim than players though, but you could choose to contend with armed humans to get their good supplies.

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depending on how sever the infection is (isolated or full on apocalypse), it would be neat to see some rare small group government kill team AI that would wonder the area killing everything.

I'm more for the idea though that a military helicopter would spawn sometimes and crash, giving you a "investigate crash site". this would lead to many players converging on the site to get the loot the fastest. would create a nice tension too

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Pretty cool to see a lot of people have seen my idea and have added their two cents. Hopefully a Dev has taken a look at it too :D

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I think a good question to ask is how widespread is this epidemic? Will outside governments still be operating? Why wouldn't they have locked the area down by now?

I think these are all questions that should deliberately never be answered.

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I don't think we need to expand to much on the whole Cause/widespread but just to assume. That really only matters in campaigns and movies as the story is pretty vital. Still, i think the suggested ideas would help the atmosphere.

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As long as the AI chopper stayed high enough that

1) atays high enough that it does not aggro zombies along the coast and cause noob players to get swarmed.

2) can not be shot down by a player with a sniper/m249/etc.

I think it would be a cool ambient effect.

As for the supply drops, a bit far-fetched, if you are in the end times you don't go wasting precious fuel to dump precious ammo/weaponry out the back of a plane for some random strangers' benefit.

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It would be very awesome to have airplanes airdrop supplies randomly, and watching everyone scramble to that location to try and get to 'em first. That'd be very interesting.

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This sounds as if it would

kill my fps

attract every zombie across the map

Light me up like a flare

Be noisy, so that i cant hear gun shots

possibly blow supplies 20kms+ away

Throw sand in my face

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This sounds as if it would

kill my fps

attract every zombie across the map

Light me up like a flare

Be noisy' date=' so that i cant hear gun shots

possibly blow supplies 20kms+ away

Throw sand in my face


but you would love every min of it ;)

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This sounds as if it would

kill my fps

attract every zombie across the map

Light me up like a flare

Be noisy' date=' so that i cant hear gun shots

possibly blow supplies 20kms+ away

Throw sand in my face


FPS could be retained by staying/looking away from it.

I'm sure it's quite possible for the devs to code it to not attract any zombies (Or perhaps only a small amount).

If it only patrols around places like the coastline, (As you would hear it before the searchlight passes over you) running into the treeline (Or a building when it's over a town) isn't a very difficult task.

The noise may annoy you but it also means no-one else can hear those gun shots. This means you could set up an ambush for a few players and begin firing as the chopper passes overhead, masking your sounds from the players (But not the zombies).

It wouldn't blow supplies away at all, unless the devs coded it to.

Again, staying in the cover of a building (or a treeline) means it's unlikely to affect your vision. It could also just fly at a higher altitude (Although this affects the searchlight).

It's also possible to disable the damage taken by the chopper, meaning it could not be harmed by players (But perhaps by scripts).

Supply drops: If it's just Chernarus that's affected, it's viable for the military to be dropping in some help for survivors. Perhaps the amount of supplies could be affected by the amount of people spotted by an earlier chopper? It would then become a toss up between getting killed while being in the open when the chopper passes but getting more loot to drop later on, or staying away and having less loot.

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This sounds as if it would

kill my fps

attract every zombie across the map

Light me up like a flare

Be noisy' date=' so that i cant hear gun shots

possibly blow supplies 20kms+ away

Throw sand in my face


> Kill my FPS

How have you been playing ARMA 2 without seeing a Helicopter in motion? We're not talking a whole army invasion here if you'd read properly.

> Light me up like a flare

Well, no. No really at all. If a spotlight did pass you it would pass over you in a second, if you did read properly you'd notice that i said it wouldn't interfere with players just be there for atmospheric purposes.

> Be noisy

For a second perhaps.

> Throw sand in my face

Wh... What?

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> Throw sand in my face

Wh... What?

He means the visual effects produced by a helicopter when it is close to the ground, it looks similar to sand or dust flying around.

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