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Radius of Direct Communication

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I'm in a rusg to leave somewhwre but I wanted to know how far the Direct Communication goes. I've tried talking to people before, but I don't know if they just ignore me, or if they cant hear me speak because Im not close enough. Thanks for thr help, I'll be back on to check this in about 5-6 hours.

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The other day, I sneezed... So I did in direct. Could have been cool... but nothing happened.

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I'm sorry Disgraced but how is that helpful?

Also, Direct comm is currently bugged until Arma II patches and updates it.

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The current radius of direct comm is ZERO. It's broken, doesn't fucking work at all. ARMA2 is going to patch; eventually. When ARMA2 gets patched the direct comm should work again.

Some people are saying that the GLOBAL channel will be removed once the direct comm is fixed. Don't know how accurate that is, but if global ever disappears; that's probably why.

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De_little_Bubi is probably correct, 20 meters sounds right, thought I would have thought it was much further.

If you wan't to test it (I probably will tomorrow):

Jump on a server with ‘personal waypoint’ enabled on the map (Think some of the Virginia servers have it) or create a simple multiplayer session with a friend. Put waypoint on friends position, move to the edge of audible range when he speaks, read range to waypoint.

The whole Direct Chat issue is being addressed as far as I know. For now it seems that the latest Beta patch for ARMA (not a patch for DayZ, but fully compatible) does make Direct Chat work.

Check it out at:


Installing on retail/hardbox is straightforward, just run the beta shortcut in ARMA directory after installing.

For Steam users; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?101615-How-to-run-Steam-ArmA-2-Steam-OA-Beta-Patches

Looks like there's everything you need to know about installing the Beta.

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We used it successfully last Saturday and... On Monday, I think.

And, come on! How odd would it be if you were creeping along and heard someone sneeze? I find it funny.

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