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Spawned in the ocean and lost everything

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I was playing last night when the server went offline. I had pretty much everything I needed to survive including a bunch of rare items. I was on the top floor of Castle Zub when the server went offline, and I decided to go to bed. The next morning when I logged in, I was in the ocean and had nothing, even my debug monitor hadn't sustained my previous progress, but I didn't create a new character. It just logged me straight into that spot. It's not the first time I've logged in and ended up here, although previously it didn't matter because I had nothing. It drops me in-between the islands here: http://dayzdb.com/map#6.119.121

Also I thought progress was supposed to be tracked across servers. I tried another server and was required to create a new character.

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teleporting is not an uncommon occurance in this game you could of loged out too close to the coast and then when you reloged you ended up in the ocean

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Zub isn't very close to the ocean, and that doesn't explain why all my stuff is gone. And it just happened again when the server reset.

Edited by Interfector

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well it sucks that this happend to you i dont know why it did but this is not the sub form for it go try bug reports

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