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Wüstenfuchs (DayZ)

Are you looking for others to team up with? Want to announce clan? Read this!

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Please do not post about looking for other players to team up with (or announcing your clan) in the New Player Discussion area!

New Player Discussion area is meant for guiding/helping new players with DayZ. We have specific area Clan / Group Recruitment for everyone who wants to team up with others.

Currently we seem to be getting 10+ threads about teaming up in this area every day. I will start giving warning points (which may affect your posting privileges) to anyone creating a new thread of that topic in the New Player Discussion from now on.

Edit: Due to people still ignoring this post and creating these threads in New Player Dicussion, I am now giving 2-day posting bans for anyone who does so.

Edited by Wüstenfuchs
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