mercuss 4 Posted July 11, 2012 I really think that the weaponry available in the game should be scaled back. Especially the high-end military weapons and equipment. Before you accuse me of not being tough enough or whining about bandits, this is coming from me having NVGs, GPS, Rangefinder, and an AS50. With this equipment the game gets simply too easy. In fact it really takes a lot of the fun out of it. The range and zeroing on the AS50 especially make it serious overkill.I had a much funner time earlier on when I and nearly every other person I ran into had a winchester, lee enfield, makarov or m1911. Not only that but many of the military weapons are incredibly easy to come by. (I admit this is also influenced by the fact that I live in Canada where the weapons you would find in peoples houses are meant for hunting). It could also be that duping has led to the servers being flooded with NVGs and high end weapons. But what I would love to see in the future is the VAST majority of weapons that you find be shotguns or hunting rifles. With AKs and NATO weapons would be much rarer then they are and some of the the higher end weapons like the AS50 removed entirely.I think it would be much more realistic for survivors to be roaming the woods with a shotgun or a bolt action rifle than with all this military weaponry that seems to be everywhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deviant (DayZ) 43 Posted July 11, 2012 Regular Mil-spec weapons slightly less common they are now, but super-awesome weapons, like LMGs, MMGs, .50 cal sniper rifles, Spec Ops Weapons, be much more rare then they are now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shag 90 Posted July 11, 2012 I kind of agre, but not entirely. there is too much military equipment in the game right now, due to exploits and duping. a full server wipe would be needed before we can judge.i haven't found a sniper rifle for over a month now, granted a stay clear of NW AF.i do agree that with very very few sniper rifles the game would get better. sniping should also get more difficult, introduce some concepts from ACE - wind etc.remove NVGs for sure, night should be spooky and tough.i believe they are/have removed the thermal scopes thank god. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virfortis 111 Posted July 11, 2012 Remove NVGs, remove AS50/M101, watch the game get a whole lot better quickly. It won't happen though, because that's what the "hardcore" wants.Yes, the hardest of the hardcore wants DayZ to be just like Sniper: Ghost Warrior. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
damonxwind 4 Posted July 11, 2012 The only loot tweaking I can think of is making the M24 more common than the AS50 or the M107. I've never had the M24 or Draganov, and I've had each .50 cal several times in the past two weeks.I'd also like to see more CZ's around. Having a marksman in my group is important to me, because we can countersnipe, and find snipers before they find us. If the lowest tier scoped rifle was more common, low geared players could defend themselves more easily.Another thing I feel is that the game doesn't need 2 semi-auto .50 cals. I'd sooner see one replaced with a bolt action 1HK. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rockwood 10 Posted July 11, 2012 i agree that there should be slightly less high grade military weapons and more of the mid level stuff, but in a real pandemic like this there would be abandoned military equipment all over the place. think of all the road blocks and check points that would have Humvee with 50 caliber machine guns on them. i think in a real apocalyptic these would be easy to come by and over time aggressive and powerful groups of bandits would probably hoard most of them, like controlling the airfields Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 18 Posted July 11, 2012 Make CZ 550 More common, Havent found any in the entire time i've been playing.(Searched farms and warehouses, started playing about 2 months ago.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EnermaX 59 Posted July 11, 2012 Make CZ 550 More common, Havent found any in the entire time i've been playing.(Searched farms and warehouses, started playing about 2 months ago.)Lol me neither (1 month)+1 to OT. This ain't a specops game, it's a fking survival game, were you should use old rusty weapons instead of UBER high tech thermal nv guns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 11, 2012 needs swords! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
doom4mr 135 Posted July 11, 2012 No No No and again NO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarissofoi 40 Posted July 11, 2012 I agree with OP.Seriously how many antitank rifles are in the some eastern country compared to normal sniper/scoped rifles?It is too easy to find it and too easy to duplicate it.Also they have all advantages over normal scoped/sniper weapons.I mean they are accurate and powerful but also fucking heavy and big.But not in the game - you can carry them easily and even fit in backpack.Also they don't really fit a zombie theme game. Unless you wanna see powerful mutants and uber zombies in game.Now its to easy to get one if you know where you look.I am all for more variety of weapons and making better weapons rarer and with limited ammo.Now you can find good equipment in half hour - just raid few deer stand and you are set.What I propose is change to loot system:1. apartment/office/residential brick houses should have common find and more variety of pistols (including M9 and G17 plus more ) (they are main selfdefence citizen weapon) and rare find shotguns(with greater variety)- pistols are just more common weapon for citizen than a shotguns or rifles(especially in city)2. wooden houses should have better chance for shotguns and low chance for hunting rifles(scoped and unscoped) low chance for pistols- longer firearms are more common in countryside3. deer stand should have more variety of shotguns and hunting rifles(scoped and unsoped) but there shouldn't be pistols and military grade weapons-this is eastern Europe guys4. Town hall fire(police) stations, train stations, air towers and some industrial buildings(these with low chance) should spawn pistols submachine guns and shotguns-fire(police) stations should have better spawn rates and some(very low) chance for sniper weapons-to simulate police/paramilitary industry/train guards/private security weaponry and equipment5. military tents should spawn eastern(soviet/Russian) weapons and ammunitions6. military barracks should spawn western weapons and ammunitions7. crashed choppers should spawn mostly silenced weapons and ammo and some snipers8. add some other random events like destroyed checkpoint/abandoned military tents/crashed military/police vehicle with chances for spawn some military weapons and ammo9.remove anti material rifle10. Add more zombies in big cities military camps and airfields(bigger density of population and evacuation points)11. make military zombies more resistant to damageWith this (and with ammo fix) people will be forced to get their ammo and military weapons from heavy infested military camps/airfields. it will promote teamwork and make resupply harder. Military grade weapons become less common(if they fix cloning items).Now its to easy to get end game weapons. Make supplies and ammo scarce. It will make experience game more fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
walrus2517 27 Posted July 11, 2012 The loot percentages could be adjusted to make some of the better equipment even rarer but I think, as others have suggested, that changing the deer stands from military to farm loot would help immensely. This would make the airfields much more important (and dangerous) and remove what I think is the easiest exploit (if you want to call it that) in the game; deer stands that spawn military loot yet are only protected by 3 zeds.Right now, I spend about 30 mins looting towns to kit out a new character, then once I have the basics I just start bouncing from deer stand to deer stand to grab all the guns, ammo, and supplies I need. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites