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Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

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Details in the description. Here's the quick list of people in the video if you turned out to be in it and have any input. Particularly would love the two unidentified people to tell me who they are :) I wanna hear what you guys were doing at the time. There's so much story behind each kill that I just don't get to see on my end.

Kill 1: John

Kill 2: Jay

Kill 3: Pok

Kill 4: Bondov

Kill 5: Felipe

Kill 6: Fragg

Kill 7: Caelan

Kill 8: Slinistro

Kill 9: MrBigglesworth

Kill 10: Forenzik

Kill 11: Unidentified

Kill 12: Davi

Kill 13: Thuh OR Cliente

Kill 14: Jeff

Kill 15: blacksheep

Kill 16: Ethan

Kill 17: Helios

Kill 18: furntree

Kill 19: Sumaxx

Kill 20: Ruinz

Kill 21: Unidentified

Kill 22: Zeigar

Kill 23: Forum

Kill 24: [NekoNet] Bosko

Kill 25: Matt

Kill 26: Kayden

Kill 27: Joppers

Kill 28: PoLLo

Kill 29: Psychospear

Kill 30: Ev3nflow

Here's some numbers:

The longest shot was Kill 8, at around 870 meters, standing target.

The shortest shot was Kill 17, a headshot on the driver of s truck at around 100 meters.

The most difficult shot was Kill 27, a shot to an exposed foot at 818 meters.

These are not in chronological order, and I masked the debug menu and other peripheral material in editing.

And the song is by Kevin MacLeod. Support that man.

Edited by MaximumBullfrog
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I will say i detest snipers with a passion, but i will also have to say that was some bloody nice shooting mate ;)

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I'd like to see how well you do on a server with CH and NP's off.

Edited by Phatd00d

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Me and my team do that exact same thing only in a slightly different location. I would love to see more and maybe even hear from you. We are short on sharp shooters, we have about three dedicated right now.

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thing is, you dont even need your left hand for this, you can just eat a sammich and point and click and kill 100 people this way, its just boring, and pisses the people looting off. but its realistic, so have at thee i suppose.

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Seems like you just hopped servers because some targets had name tags others didn't. Also aiming at name tags... already mentioned. Lame. But a few shots were nice.

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Nice shooting. The kill on the UAZ driver was nice, I'm surprised you didn't mark it as your most difficult.

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I completely despise how you just kill players for no reason, but that was some damn good shooting. You are an artist, sir.

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Sniping on DayZ has a lot of potential, I look forward to watching you progress your technique as time goes by. Especially if you focus on team based sniping.

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Wish I remembered which servers I was on, sorry. This was recorded periodically over the period of just over a week and I tended to favor whatever server had the best ping and draw distance any given day. I remembers Kills 1-3, 7 and 17 were in Chicago 53, The bus guys and a handful of others were on the BRA servers, around 5 of them were on US 172 and the rest were usually either on that number range of US servers or on a Chicago server. In in Newfoundland so trying to snipe stuff on the closest thing I have to a "Home Server," US Hardcore 1 and 2 tends to be troublesome due to latency.

As far as tags go, I did what I could to avoid them, but the best servers I play on have them on for trying to catch hackers apparently. I can tell ya for a fact they are more of a detriment to a sniper than they are a benefit since it's an easy way for me to get found (Helios for example). The real giveaway that someone's on the tarmac is seeing zombies wandering around it. That's mostly what I was watching for :P

Edited by MaximumBullfrog

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Let's just say you're good but not good enough to be naming and shaming players.

After a few shots on a sniper rifle in arma II's armory, I found that the range and target movement prediction is not a hard thing to predict. I don't see why you're naming and shaming players and I hope I don't see more excuses as to why you'd do-so.

I still look forward to seeing you progress in quality.

Edited by Dave_

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Only a few of the shots were good given the tags, but I can't fault you for that if people are dumb enough to go to NWAF on a server with tags.

Not a bad video.

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Nothing special, server hopping to kill people at 800-900m away. Been there and done that. Pick up any 50.cal and they are easy pickings. 1 shot 1 kill zero, it between 700-900m. Done this over 3-4days and racked up 47 murders and 2 bandit kills. Spot is around 039 058 just north of Vybor, all you need to do is server hop and see if there are any zombies round and that equals players. Wouldn't make a video about it tho. Would be something special if you could do that with an m24 and not a AS50. Tho the m107 is better for this because you can zero it to 900m whilest the AS50 jumps from 800m to 1000m tho miledots arn't hard to work out in this game.

Edited by Yazoo
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I'd probably say there's around 8 servers between the 30 of them, with 3 to 4 kills a server, depending on if I was getting a quick kill in before work or had some time to kill on any given evening or afternoon. Keep in mind that tags aren't nearly as helpful at an airfield as they would be in a town or city, because here you got a tight collection of places to focus on and a linear path that people follow rather than just a random assortment of streets and buildings to try and keep tabs on all at once. I'll see them proper before I see their tag. The tags mostly come into affect here when someone down there sees mine up on the hill, like Helios and a couple others did (I think kill 19 was lining a shot up when I shot him) and blows my cover. It really isn't something in my favor :P I wanted to avoid them and tried, but the setting is virtually omnipresent right now due to the hacker hunt.

Let's just say you're good but not good enough to be naming and shaming players.

Hey now, I ain't shamin'. I made a topic for some of these guys, like how Joppers stood his ground instead of logging and Filipe trying to close the gap to me. Only people I really made fun of were the two loggers who logged back into the exact same server they just got sniped at on, and the guy sitting in the illegal heli. Well I made fun of kill 13 but I was feeling facetious that day :P

I might do another montage like this but it's either going to be nighttime DMR or something else entirely. I'm juggling the idea of a Hatchet or LMG montage. Love to do a heli montage but Rocket needs to fix the issues there first. DayZ Hueys have their turrets right? Either way it won't be for a while.

Edited by MaximumBullfrog

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