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About the games i need to make this mod work

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Hello!, i have a question about the games i need to make this mod work.

I know that you need Arma 2 Combined Operations, but i only have Arma 2. My question is if i dowload Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, because i already owe Arma 2, instead of dowloading Arma 2 Combined Operations, the game will work on me?

Thank you very much!

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Short answer: Yes


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If you already own ArmA2, you can simply purchase Operation Arrowhead and install the mod and everything should work!

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Yes. Combined Operations is just the name steam gave the package that contains both games. If you download just Arrowhead, it will work.

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Should work fine. I used the amazon digital download for CO which is really just regular arma 2 digital and operation arrowhead digital. Works just fine, just remember to install to your Arma2 directory.

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you could have done what i did: get OA, and arma 2 free, and it works great. low res character models, but whatever. my computer sucks anyway lol

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you could have done what i did: get OA, and arma 2 free, and it works great. low res character models, but whatever. my computer sucks anyway lol

But he already owns Arma2, as he said in the OP. He probably purchased it a while back or something, rather than having recently purchased it like 95% of the DayZ fanbase.

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