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Looking to Start Small Clan.

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Looking to start up a small clan. Currently Me and a Friend play, using Mumble. Despite being fairly new to this game we're skilled players. Both have week old characters alive atm.

Looking for mature players to group up with. (We're both in are mid 20's)

Must have Mumble. (And Mic)

Preferred to be in the EST and CENTRAL time zones.

We mostly play at night, after 5:00 EST and play till around 12-1a.m. sometimes later, depends on work and such.

(We also play Weekends during the Day and Night)

We usually are playing on the "Atlanta" servers.

Looking for skilled players, or new skilled players who can learn quick.

If you need someone to survive and raid with then we're it. We are mature, fun, and relaxed players, who've played many genes of games.

We're come from games like Battlefield 2142, Badcompany 1&2, Battlefield 3, Halo 1,2,3,ODST,Reach, Crysis, TOR, Guildwars, SWG, Minecraft, WoW, Team Fortress.

(The list goes on)

Our Future plans:

Right now we are survivors. We may do Bandits on characters in the future or whatever. Nice thing about this game is that someday you'll die and can play a different style.

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You and your friend can join the Vivere Mortuus Venatores(or living dead hunters) sub-unit of the 434th Combined Operations Brigade if you want to.

We are always looking for new survivors to join our ranks. We are an North American clan. We work together as a team sharing supplies as they are needed by the unit members. We also don't go around randomly killing other players. If you have any questions just pm and I'll get back to you asap. Our website is http://434thcob.guildlaunch.com

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Hey man im 20 myself, so i know how you feel, i have some players in my clan i play with around my age, i know how to play and so does my team this is our page, daggy name but all i could come up with at the time, drop a post if your intersted.http://dayzmod.com/f...sk-recruitment/

Edited by CorrosiveDragon

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Hey man, I am 20 as well and I have had the same issue trying to find mature players to survive with. I will be honest, I'm new to the game and I don't know very much, but I am a quick learner if you can deal with my many questions. If you use steam my username is freakbox360, or you could just reply to this thread. Let me know if you ever want to play.

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Hello, I am 21 and live in Ohio. Play mostly nights and I am pretty new to the game. Just running solo right now. My Steam ID is jbanks17

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Sound like my kinda guys. I'm 29...on the east coast. I'm usually teaching summer school til 1 everyday but am on after that. Depending on the days whether I have softball or not, I play for hours on end. Looking to join some guys with a little bit of knowledge and common sense. I have a small arsenal at my disposal and am looking to help out others and kill some bandits who keep trying to snipe us through Cherno/Electro. I have a vast knowledge of the entire coastline from Kamenka to Berezino. Shoot me a msg. I'm in the process of getting my headset fixed and team speak back up n running.

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