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Login with no items in wilderness

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my guy was fully loaded and I was up north at airstrip..

and a server went down to restart (I logged out as soon as message came up)

But when I now login im in wilderness with no items

anyone explain whats happened?

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This is a bug confirmed to exist in DayZ. Typically, if you were to spawn in the wilderness you would still have your items, but it appears you've been unlucky enough to suffer from two bugs. Sorry! :(

Hope I could help.

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I can confirm that this occurs, repeatedly.

I logged into a different server than usual, realized my mistake, and logged out. When I logged into my usual server before the game environment displayed I saw "Kirk has died" in the lower left. I was left standing in the dark with no items and no trees or buildings in site.

After my intial panic I calmed down, closed out, and tried a different server. It's been 4 servers now, same results. Is the database borked?

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I can also confirm. Logged out before server restart and after login spawned at wilderness with not a single thing in my inventory. Lost my M4 SD, M24, NVG and GPS. Some time earlier I also lost my ghillie after updating to 1.7.2.

My mate also lost his ghillie. He found another one (I believe it was somewhere in Cherno) and after clicking "wear ghillie" he lost all his weapons!

After loosing my stuff I respawned and went to Cherno. Found an ALICE, Makarov, DB Shotgund, Morphine. Next server restart and I spawned in Elektro with just the stuff you have at the beginning... :(

Plz have a look at that, cause those things already worked well in and it's annoying to play several hours just to loose all the stuff on next reconnect.

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Ahh - the wilderness - I haven't seen you for a while :-( [1.7.2] from NW; lost ghillie (don't really care) but appear to have most other kit.

Remind me which server(s) will allow me to get out of the wilderness. Used to be CA2 - just tried that (couldn't create character). Any others?

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^ thought it was further than that. Ok, paper-clip is wedged in... following clouds (although there are 2 lots of clouds!?!?!?). Will report back in 15 mins.

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Follow the direction the clouds are going (wasn't sure if I was clear in the previous post).

And yep, it's only 15 minutes, provided you are surrounded by hills with no textures.

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Just stopped to kill a cow... 1 water down. 1 to go. Stupid bloody game. I'm still following the clouds (about 25mins now)...

EDIT: 50mins f*ck f*ck f*ck etc.

Edited by dayzrab

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^ 1 hour chasing clouds and I'm giving up. This used to be fixable by joinging CA2 (takes you to the debug forest). Does anybody know another server to try. Seem to remember Texas?!? (1, 2 ??)

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Today i logged and appeared in debug desert. I lost my DMR , alice pack , forest suit and many other things. WATAFAK !!!!

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One other bug I suffered

I went to appartments in Cherno...found a gilli suit and tryed to put it on..I was all of a sudden swimming in the apartments LOL with all my items gone..apart from what was in my backpack..

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im also in wilderness and in the left stands "screeps was killed" and i got nothing BUT my debug monitor shows the stats of before i died (188 zombies killed etc.) could it be a bug and a lil bit later im back in the game???? i hope so X(

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Still running S/SE; for about 1.5hours; what happens when you run out of water?

EDIT: your blood goes down.

Edited by dayzrab

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That really sucks, dazrab.

This video may assist you:

Honestly though, it's strange that you aren't back in the map yet.

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I'm probably totally screwed now. Ideally I'd join a server that's put me in the debug forest but I don't think that works these days.

I'm on a server with time set to GMT-8 and I'm just running into the sun... my last water has 10 maybe 15mins left...

its a shame you cannot milk goats (I just past one) :-)

Edited by dayzrab

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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. I'm not sure what the time is on that server, but yeah.

Hope this helps.

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Yere, I'm totallt screwed, running into the sun (in theory SE @GMT-8) but I'm running into the clouds :-( Do the clouds always run in the same direction?

Edited by dayzrab

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Yea. I'm in the same situation. This only happened to be once before. What I did was ran for like 15-30 minutes east/south-east. Then I was like, "Okay, this is ridiculous." So I respawned, and aborted. Then when I joined back in, it spawned me back in the coast. So currently, trying the same thing. Hopefully it works.

Does anyone know what the cause of this debug wilderness is?

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