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All dayz servers in the same timezone!

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Think with me, we are all in Chernaus dont matter where we play, U.S. or Russia. Why not make all servers in the same timezone? The official Dayz Time, Should all servers use

Like the community unitedoperations,, They have one clock in their site for all players arround the world who play on servers Know When Their events are happening ..

All servers in the same timezone, will bring another atmosphere in this game ..

more terror .. players will think before you move another city ... the 'clans' Will Be Their cars all move like nomads, the adrenaline would increase by 100% why he did not escape the night

changing server

ps: sorry for my english, is not my first language but if i keep play this game will be

Edited by rogi_

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The problem with that is that there are many people in different time zones and therefore some people would all ways play at night and some all ways during the day. But it would be nice if people played on night servers for once.

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As said above.

I had to refrain from some crude remarks then, but honestly... I work 8 hours a day. Would it be fair if the only hours I had available happene to be at night?

Think a little harder.. Instead of a single time zone, they could have an additional time if it was that important. Server time and dayz time.

But even then, I can't think of a single use for it.

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Yeah i know the role world are playing..and some just can play few hours a day, but is a game dont matter your timezone and if you like day or night.. in a ARMAgeddon;)

have days and nights are the people have to deal with it... maybe the problem be some people just can play day other just night..

so if day create 2 officials timezone +12 and -12 this problem is gone just the problem about the people keep escaping the night will be back.. idk i just have the ideia.. i think that the escaping night have to end :(

Edited by rogi_

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Yeh to be honest, i work during the day where i live, knowing my luck it'd end up thats where the servers are, and i "Can't" play at night due to my eyes. Gotta think of it from other points of view, also if i own a server i want it to match my time. :3


This is also another thing that the main server needs to watch, instead of the local host of each server, games work better the less scripts running.

Edited by Sterlok

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I would like more consistency regarding server daylight/nighttime as servers in the same US city would use different times so their servers would be always day or night.

But I'd definitely like to see this applied to weather, that is, all weather across all servers would be the same.

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nah. Keep it hw it is. The night problem is arising from NVGs and Thermos. Get rid of those 2 things and I will gladly play at night. Right now it is an unfair playing field and no one is brave enough to hop on for more than a few minutes.

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This was how it was in the beginning of dayz, granted that was mostly due to the fact there was 1-5 servers. (How times have changed!)

The main problem with this, is that one part of the world would be playing essentially always in the daytime, and one part of the world would be playing essentially always at night time.

Edited by Aralyae

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I would like more consistency regarding server daylight/nighttime as servers in the same US city would use different times so their servers would be always day or night.

But I'd definitely like to see this applied to weather, that is, all weather across all servers would be the same.

What I wouuld like is that the Time on the Server be a Default part of the Server Name. 25% of the time, it seems, when I join a server it is not the time expected. Some servers do put the time in their name, but many do not and it's annoying.

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