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New Player Impressions, story; also, how do I get in this building?

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I would enjoy any feedback from my story, but if you want to skip to the question below, please feel free:

First, the impressions. The game is frustrating, bugged, at some times, dull, and I love it. It was really rough starting off, I came in just before Rocket took away the starter Makarov. I really don't get the complaints; among the numerous media stories nowhere does it mention that the game is easy. This is one of the toughest games I've ever played. Heck after getting an ALICE pack, M16, and full supplies at Balota once, I died in a village nearby because the Arma 2 engine decided I had enough, when I mistakenly closed an outhouse door on myself while trying to loot the items on the seat inside. I call this getting Arma'd.

Interactions with players have been few and far between, but both times they got my heart pumping more than in any other game I've played. My second encounter today saw me in kind of a "ah screw it" mode, I decided I wanted to restart but opted to instead run through eastern Cherno and see how far I could get. The short answer: not far. I crossbow'ed one zed at the base of a climbable building and started heading up the ladder, as I previously saw a silhouette on top. Before I crested the top, I saw him camping with an axe. I stopped on the ladder and hit my mic, telling him I just wanted to come look for supplies and get out. He didn't respond and started searching over the ledge, I suppose because he couldn't see me. All of a sudden I saw a second head and set of shoulders appear right below me on the ladder. Great, an a-hole sandwich. I still have no idea why he didn't pop me though, I'm hoping its because he thought I was the Axe Man on top of the ladder.

I hit the mic again asking if this guy knew the axe maniac on top. Still no response. After giving a final warning, I booked it to the top of the ladder and ran straight across to the other end of the roof, hearing the whiff of an axe behind me. He stayed behind the small structure w/ ladder at the other end while I loosed my one and only bolt; a miss. I crouched down, unhooked my axe from my belt, (still had to reload it), and charged him. He ducked around the mini building's side and waited for me so I went around the other way. It worked, his back was to me, and I took my first swing and noticed at the same time that his friend was frantically trying to get to the top, definitely with either an AK or M4. I downed his friend, then took aim at the armed one, rushed him and......fell off of the ()&#^(@)&% roof. I died. That's Day Z and I love it. Oh PS, I realized my mic was on mute the entire freaking time.


My first encounter leads me to my first question. I was in Elektro unarmed except for an axe, and casually climbed to the top of a building there. I don't know how to describe it and there are no proper names for it on the day z wiki or in arma 2 searches online. Finally found a shot in Google images though.


Basically I climbed the ladder, which from the camera's perspective there, is behind and to the right. I saw a figure crouched with his back to me; he was looting a medical supply box. Having only an axe for my first social encounter, I played it risky. I belted the axe, stood striaght up, and hit the mic asking friendly? friendly? he immediately looked around in a bit of a squirrely fashion, like one unaccustomed to playing the game. Finally he saw me, and I saluted. Then he reloaded his AK, missed his first shot, and finally hit me, not before I yelled a bad word at him. I figured after just spawning and only having an axe, it wasn't worth it to scurry away. (In hindsight, I sorely regret not rushing him w/ the axe while making insane or snarling noises with my mic lol). I died on that rooftop and made my way back; he was gone but I looted much medical supplies up there. After spawning there in another server, I noticed with great excitement that there was someone in the building. Basically, while my game was rendering objects, before textures were applied, you could see through walls as they had not popped in yet. Referring back to the above link/picture, I was prone on the large roof, next to the smaller high section by the door texture. I was looking down and past the door and saw a player prone in front of me and below me, roughly 2 meters away or less. I just saw him as a black untextured object before the rooftop popped in and i was just staring at concrete. Sure enough I also heard gunshots from very close, as if he were potshotting zeds. I had another axe and wanted to get the jump on him; I must have scurried around the building twice and hopped up to the top of the highest part, the second mini-roof, another two times. How the heck did that guy get in there? Does anyone know? Or am I wrong? I knew he had to be there, I heard a car horn sound not long later, like beep beep...beep....beep beep..like he was summoning someone nearby. In my haste to find out though, I fell off the roof and died again.

So that's my story, and in short, my question is, how the bloody hell does one enter that building seen in the pic? Thanks all and stay alive.

Edited by NWHHarrier

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Hey NWH,

Wow, amazing story!

Anyway, as for your question I know for a fact that there is no opening on the roof of that building. I THINK that that's the hospital roof, in which case if you go around the front of the building you should see some glass, break the glass with a weapon and walk right in to loot some meds!

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Ohh ok; I don't remember seeing glass at the bottom but I'll have to find it again, thanks for the tip!! I really really wish I would have known that at the time but live (or not) and learn lol.

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As Vaquxine said, that is the Hospital. There are 3 of them in the game, and are the best source of medical supplies, as they will always have something to grab. He/she/they are also correct in that to get INTO the hospital, you approach from ground level and break the glass (which in your case, was probably already broken).

A suggestion to stop you from diving off of roofs, don't try to prone while moving, as it makes you dive forward. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were doing, but most roofs can't be hopped off of without vaulting or diving prone (both of which I've done).

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As Vaquxine said, that is the Hospital. There are 3 of them in the game, and are the best source of medical supplies, as they will always have something to grab. He/she/they are also correct in that to get INTO the hospital, you approach from ground level and break the glass (which in your case, was probably already broken).

A suggestion to stop you from diving off of roofs, don't try to prone while moving, as it makes you dive forward. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you were doing, but most roofs can't be hopped off of without vaulting or diving prone (both of which I've done).

I will definitely take it under advisement! To be honest I think I sprinted at the ladder....

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