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[just an idea] Bandit penalization

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I've been thinking about the bandit penalization and the idea of keeping it real, and i came up with: what if killing people gave you some kind of post traumatic stress and made you dependent on painkillers? The more players you kill, the more painkillers you need to survive... like hunger or thirst in a more sutil way?

I know this has been discussed a lot, i just wanted to share this idea.

Great mod, love it. I bought the anniversary edition today =)

keep it real xD

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It's part of the game and from what Rocket says it always will be for however long

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I liked his idea of being covered in blood for a few hours that he briefly talked about on Rezzed TBH.

Have blood covering arms and body for say 24 hours or 3 hours total in game time?

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Why does every carebear want to NERF bandits, and not BUFF survivors? Bandits shouldn't be punished for killing, in a real zombie outbreak, You wouldn't have any consequences if you kill people.

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yeah i know, but i saw he's recent interview, and he stated that he's still talking about adding like some blood on the person who looted a player, or something, and i just wanted to share the idea, since it's not that crazy, and if you think about it, it has it's logic. Anyway, as i say, just wanted to share the idea.

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Not only has everyone else discussed this, you should talk about it on the PvP discussion thread. Making suggestions about penalizing bandits doesn't really contribute. Once rocket decides, okay, we're going to penalize bandits, then you can discuss different ways of doing that.

Until then, inb4 thread dies.

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When is saw the name of this post I didn't completely agree with it but when I actually read it it's not that bad. It's a very realistic way of incorporating a penalization for bandits.

You get two thumbs up! :)

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I'm sorry but no. I dont feel guilty or experience any sort of trauma when I kill someone. I wouldnt want to have a psychological problem forced upon me.

Edited by 101para

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I kill everyone I see, not everyone will feel bad for who they kill. I mean look at all the psychopaths in the world, most of them don't feel bad who's to say my character was a psychopath before the outbreak.

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