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Its getting bigger.....

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Look what i just saw on my twitter feed

better get more servers lol

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Nah, im pretty sure most of the people that follow him are xbox gears players that mostly dont have a pc. Good to see the mod getting so much publicity though.

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I put this spreadsheet/chart together today out of curiosity. I wanted to see how fast DayZ grew in a single day. I'm updating it every 15 minutes till I leave work at ~5PM.

Heh, nice one Blackfuse.

Would be nice to see a graph from the developers if they have character data saved from day one.

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Wow, still, it is very nice from him. I hope Rocket see this.

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One important update, because I feel it's significant.

As of 2:30 PM Eastern US today, the total unique users has increased by over 1500 users. An increase of 2.71% from this morning, at 8:30 AM Eastern US

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If made this: http://multra.net:8088/dashboard/DayZ it updates the number of unique players ever 10 minutes. If there is any interest in this I can add all the other stats.

:( I can't compete with an automated system...

Automate stuff so you dont have to work :heart:

Ya, I'm at work so the only coding I can really do is the coding for work...

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