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Looking for some guy's to join our group.

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We are a large older mature group of guy's. We are all friends and trust each other especially. We usually play daily on a single server, where equipment is, ext. It's a North America Server so if you are Eu then your ping will be to high.

We also have a teamspeak, we have all added each other on steam for easy contact. If anyone is looking for some friends out in there we will have you.

It would be very nice if you did have a mic. It's hard to play with a silenced follower.

Anyways..... I could tell you more but basic thing is. We are just a group of guy's who enjoy the game. Add my steam, tell me yours if you want to join us.

Good luck out there~

Steam: Internalshade01

Nickname: Valkyrie

If one does not work, try the other.

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im looking for a group!

id be glad to join you guys,

ive also got a free camo skin, cuz im a female character who cant use it and a tent.

Steam ID - hohyeh

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steam: fearstrudle

nickname: BOVICE

i'd love you play with you guys, especially because this game is hard to play alone

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I would be interested in joining you guys. I usually play about everyday. my steam name is trdtc. I will also add you and try to get in contact

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I'lll join up if you guys have space

Steam- Findirond

I cant find you on steam

Edited by TheMightof2k

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I'lll join up if you guys have space

Steam- Findirond

I cant find you on steam

Found you.

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ill join you guys if you'l have me or if you don't already have 20 people thanks to this post. Name on every thing [bonsie123]. Hope you'l have me i'm tired of runing alone or runing into nothing but bandits

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