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gibson (DayZ)

Playing with SIDESTRAFE and ~30 other surviors

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I'm sure many of you know who the youtuber SideStrafe is, earlier today he was shooting a livestream on twitch.tv. I found the server he was playing in, and met up with him and two others. Eventually, upwards of 30 people joined the group. It was pretty incredible seeing the mass amounts of surviors working together, however, I started to get worried. It would be near impossible for us to point someone out if they happened to take a quick shot at someone. Eventually this indeed happened. We, 30+, made our way to Pusta, I believe, from Elek. A large amount of people went into the brown wooden structure, and I heard people complaining of friendly fire. Soon after, someone screamed, "HE'S KILLING ME WITH THE HATCHET!". Shots rang, and everybody began to question one another. Another 5 minutes passed, as I was outside of the structure, and I witnessed someone throw a frag grenade in. I must be honest, it was fucking hilarious.

At the time, my friend that I usually play with, caught up with the group. He was knocked unconscious by zombies 20 feet away from me. Another survior walked towards him, and my friend told me on Ventrillo that all of his stuff from his pack was missing. I saw the survior run in the opposite direction from the group, so I hunted him down and got my friends shit back. That was my first murder that I had that wasn't initiated by someone else shooting me. It was pretty intense. I killed a guy because he ganked my buddy's morphine.

Did anyone else get the privledge of playing?

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I'm sure many of you know who the youtuber SideStrafe is...

Ahh. Internet fame. Isn't that cuuuute.

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Ahh. Internet fame. Isn't that cuuuute.

This world is doomed, doomed! <Can I pull up my pants now?> DOOOOOMED!

- No really. Awesome, so many players together and you seemed to last pretty long before it escalated.

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