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ViLayer server question

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I just ordered a server from ViLayer a couple days ago. I have been trying to get a hold of them regarding my order but have not received a response. Has anyone had trouble with this server provider?

Edit: They got back to me now. Here is what they said.

"The support site for the DayZ mod went down so we could not request any more instance IDs. Now that the site is back up I am expecting to be able to knock out most orders in the next few hours."

Edited by MrThames

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I have sent in 2 tickets, nothing on twitter, facebook down, webbased chat down and no one on ts. im trying to find there skype info so i can try that route.

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I have sent in 2 tickets, nothing on twitter, facebook down, webbased chat down and no one on ts. im trying to find there skype info so i can try that route.

I have sent two as well. I just experienced the same issue with HFB servers. I left them for ViLayer and no dice. Obviously they don't have time for new customers...

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every forum topic i was able to get onto yesterday with info about vilayer seems to have been deleted along with their facebook page.

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Recently they seem to have been more difficult to track down...

I tried Lee on Skype today and sat around in teamspeak for around 12 hours. Jeremy would pop in for about 15 seconds and disappear before anyone could say anything to him.

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whats his skype?

<09:57:39> "Jeremy - Vilayer.com" connected to channel "Lobby --UPDATE BEING PUSHED SOON--"

<09:57:56> "andb52" connected to channel "Lobby --UPDATE BEING PUSHED SOON--"

<09:58:03> "Jeremy - Vilayer.com" disconnected (Doesnt matter, Had sex.)

is that the jeremy?

Edited by Destero

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Well, I'm pretty pissed off as well. But at least I ordered my server 10 hours ago.

I feel scammed just because their false advertising. ( Instant Setup, 24/7 support ).

Opened a ticket too and they haven't answered. I've added John on skype almost one hour ago but not sign of him as well. (skypename: capecodcaper)

Edited by kirkd10

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You could also try JStillJr@student.dwc.edu or lee.netarus on Skype

I've been trying to catch them all day to no avail.


Someone on Teamspeak ("Ben") told me that he e-mailed Johnny who said customer service would be available again tomorrow morning around 9 EST (more precisely: 12 hours from when Ben e-mailed him).

So I guess just wait another night!

Edited by andb52

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Hey Guys,

Like I said, I work during the day. I am going through tickets right now and I will answer them as much as possible. Due to the complexity of DayZ, not all of our support guys can help with issues.

I have about 190 tickets from just today because of people having issues with the mod (which isn't really a ticket issue) that I need to go through. I will do my best to get you all setup and answered.


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Can you please get all the servers that are stuck on pending activated before you start attending to the 190 tickets. I bet 99% of the tickets are because people have been waiting a few days for there servers to become active.

Edited by Destero

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Just wait your turn, no cutsies in the line! =D I've had ViLAYER for a bit now and they are amazing. I'm always able to get a hold of them on their Teamspeak whether it be instantly or it takes 4 hours. ViLAYER has a lot of customers and is constatly upgrading their hardware to make things better for you. Please just give it some time and go smash some zeds to peices =D

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