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Delta Smoke 01

Multiplay gaming servers...Whats going on ?

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As rocket mentioned MPgaming servers in his recent presentation at rezzed, i had high hopes of them. Made a camp and found a motorbike on "DayZ :: UK -" server. Me and my clan had found a new home server. It was bliss. Server goes down for 2 days (still in the list but passworded). Log back in and everything is gone. Shit do. We decided to take it on the chin and move servers as it may be a server problem. Still having high hopes for MPgaming we moved onto "DayZ :: Acorn 01" server. We moved all the way north to the same spot. Grabbed a tent and low and behold our bike was where we found it on the other server. Great stuff. We moved it to our camp and when we get there BOOM. Server goes down. When its back up its been rolled back 30 mins. Moved the bike back up and the same happens again, and again, Also just now as i checked it again.and it rolled back after just 2 mins. Just as the admin left the server. Im not reporting this as admin abuse. I just want an explanation of what is going on, as we have put a lot of time and effort (and money as i donated to keep it up and running) into these servers and the stuff we have at camp is not so easyly found again. Thanks.

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Hey, admin of Acorn 01 here.

I can feel for you. The 1.7.2 plaqued many servers with crashes and major desyncs. I was driving an ATV. Desyncd for a minute. Then ended up blowing up and almost bleeding out. Few minutes later the server crashed and i had to force restart it. When I came back in. I had rolled back by an hour! What is your ingame name?

When we started the server up in the afternoon it crashed and timedout about 4 times. In the end we just switched it off for the night. It'll be back up around 3pm GMT.

We do hope to leave it on 24/7 within a week or 2. But at the moment the major desyncs are a threat to it and we'd rather be online incase something happens.

We hope you stay and make a perminant residence on the server. Come join us on the team speak maybe. I'll be on around 3pm for most of the night.

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Hi there. I'm the owner... well, renter of this server and the admin.

What my friend says is the reason for the downtime. Since Multiplay have their own server specifications they somewhat clash with the DayZ requirements. So this could also be another reason. I know it is why I cannot fully customise the server (take out 3DP, turn off CH, choose vehicles to spawn etc.). Most servers are ran on machines owned by somebody who has proper access to them I believe (in most cases) so things can get fixed quicker.

We have all experienced de-syncs on the server. As Delta said, we have lost things too. Our tent ate half our gear, the Military off roader despawned from our basecamp (after 4 hours of searching for parts!). Overall I am not sure what direction MP will take with DayZ servers but lets cut them some slack, theyre new to them. DayZ servers have a huge long list of requirements and it seems MP are doing their best to comply whilst not breaking their own regulations.

Also thanks for the donation, it helps a lot since you can see how expensive these servers are to rent. Although I dont see anything in my paypal at the moment. Maybe it will go through, maybe it wont. I just dont want your money to go to waste if I dont receive it.

If you'd like to talk more then the TS is always open. I usually go on at night due to my job, but Delta is on whenever he wakes up from hibernation. We are a friendly bunch so feel free to speak your mind :) I hope the crashes havent put you off the server and we hope you'll continue playing, maybe we can team up one day, or you can shoot us. Your choice :P

Take care,

iAcorn (also known as James)

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Thanks guys for the explanation :) I think i will again move to a different server until your's is up and running again. Perhaps you could post on the forum or pm when when its sorted and il come join you guys for some fun :)

Me and my buddy also experienced major desynching yet somehow managed to live through it. One was where we were cruising around on the bike as you do then all of a sudden we were in a shed in polana lol :s

Another weird one was i logged out near novoy and logged back in next to the barracks at the nw airfield unable to shoot/aim or run. I lived and got a dmr out of it but man was it annoying running back. My in game name is Haslam and my buddys is Bytepirate. Again thanks for explaining lads many admins would have just shrugged it off :)

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Will do. It will probably be when a stable version of DayZ is released once again. It happened to many servers with the 1.7.1 update... Hence why we were all playing on for a while, since it took that many fixes to be kinda stable. So check in again on haha! Unfortunately MP auto updated the server so we cant keep playing on the stable older version :(

See you in DayZ soon though!

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I'll be starting up the server in a few minutes. See how it handles for the night.

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We're running a dedicated multiplay server with complete access, we're having a few issues with 1.7.2 desyncs and crashes ourselves but nothing major.

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We're running a dedicated multiplay server with complete access, we're having a few issues with 1.7.2 desyncs and crashes ourselves but nothing major.

By "complete access" what do you mean?

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By "complete access" what do you mean?

Remote desktop. We have access to everything the box does.

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Remote desktop. We have access to everything the box does.

How do you get remote access for it? ... I've never heard of multiplay giving out remote access for their servers...

EDIT: Is it a dedicated server, instead of a rented one?

Edited by oppdelta

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We are renting a dedicated box from them, they have given us complete control of it.

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We are renting a dedicated box from them, they have given us complete control of it.

Ah yeah, thought so. We're just renting a normal server.

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