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Where do I get the mod

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So i bought the bundle pack from steam. Went to the thread where it has the mirrors but it keeps telling me some other jazz about needing the game. Since I got the bundle pack from steam do I already have the mod? Am I jsut over looking it some how? Some help would be great. thanks!

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If you've installed the game. Run the game once and shut it down. Download the Arma2OA Beta patch 94444 and install it. Opps it's been updated now to 94700.


Run the game again(not sure if needed but can't hurt). If you don't want to use a 3rd party program just to play a game do the manual install. Create a folder in your "Steam/steamapps/common/Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead" folder called "@DayZ". Create another folder inside the @DayZ folder called "addons". Go to the download page and click the "manaul" download. Download all the .rar files into a safe place, possibly to be used again if needed.


Once downloaded unpack it all into the "addons" folder you created inside the @DayZ folder. The 2 .txt files you do not need. Do not unpack over existing files if you update in the future, for some reason that doesn't seem to work. Dumb computers.

There is a .com file in your Arma2OA folder that is created when you installed the beta called "_runA2CO_beta.com". You can copy and paste this file to your desktop. Once on your desktop right click and select edit. At the bottom will be something like below. You can cut and paste this into it, but it is just as easy to add ";@DayZ" after \expansion. I also took the "-window" out, if you want it full screen. Don't know why they have that in there.


call "%_ARMA2OAPATH%\Expansion\beta\ARMA2OA.exe" "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;expansion;expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@DayZ;" -nosplash %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Save the file as is, not "save as". Right click it and rename it to whatever you like. "DayZ" maybe. You don't need to move it back to the your Arma2OA folder but you can, then you need a shortcut for it. Or you can just leave it on your desktop and run the game.

Hope I left nothing out.

Edited by 2ugly

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Editing is now a little messed up in the forums. Something else.... You may need the 3rd party app called 7zip to unpack the .rar files.

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