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My first outing

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After some swearing and sweating, I finally got Day Z working. My first outing was short, due to some poor inventory management on my part (namely, figuring out where things go when you grab them, and how to loot items from a pile of stuff).

I made a quick map of my outing, pictured below with call-outs. I am not impressed with my first try. :) Have a look.


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Part of the fun is learning all the ropes by yourself :D My first trip was similar, but I spawned in Elektro in the middle of a bright moon night, which was like an intense horror movie and I ended up on top of a hangar-type building shooting zombies and almost crying :DD

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Actually, you can get meat from a cow. :P

But, you need a hunting knife to gut it and cut the meat out. You also need matches to light a fire and cook it.

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Last night was my second night playing. I found a alice pack (back pack), hunting knife, compas, and CZ550 with like 5 magazines. JUST ran into a guy while looting these things and he ended up being friendly and helped me all the way through the journey. Ran for about an hour with this guy before having another guy sneak up on us and help with the travel as well. After getting to our destination in Elektro, we headed towards the Power plant. Sure enough, after one of our mates getting mauled by a zombie and clearing the area, you hear one shot ring out and I die.

My friend tells me later what the guy is doing and found out he never even looted me. Why would you just kill to kill? If youre going to kill me, take my shit. Loot me. Kill for SURVIVAL, not to be a troll and ruin the game for others. :/

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