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Ghillie Suits 1.7.2

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The part where you put your ghillie suit and it fucks everything up

Edited by SuperGhost

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I haven't and don't plan to put one on for a bit. There needs to be something that looks like the bandit skin did anyways the current ones aren't as cool.

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I can confirm this isn't fixed, I wasn't even aware of the issue until I stumbled across a ghillie suit. Only for my :D to turn into >:@ as I lost all of my items on hand and weapons and was stuck swimming in the ground (although managed to get out after 5 minutes or so)

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Yes a similar thing happend to a friend of mine, found ghilie, logged out after a few hours and was teleported into the water and lost it all upon login.



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probably wont be fixed until they release a hotfix so just watch the forums for i guess

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