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1.7.2 Infected bugged?

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Have infected stopped despawning when you leave an area? I was on a server with 12 people and there were over 800 infected alive. Later i was in a server with only 3 people, still there were more than 300 infected alive. When i approach a town and check out the area from a distance with the binoculars, i can see alot of infected in fields just sitting there, not moving at all.

When i'm in a server the number of infected seem to be constantly rising aswell, not going down. I join a server with arround 8 people in and there were about 750 infected, an hour later when i was about to leave the number of infected gone up to 950.

Infected also seem to agro ALOT faster now. Dont know if this is a bug or intended but the game got alot harder now.

Can anyone confirm/deny my this?

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I think its bugged, or a miss calculation because I just had a zombie aggro me from like 100m away while I was slow crouch walking. I hope they fix this soon!

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Keep in mind the number of players on a server has nothing to do with the number of Zombies on a server.

Zombies spawn only when players get into areas where zombies are capable of spawning.

If you are on a server with 25 people and all 25 of them are out in the trees roaming where there are no buildings there will be few or no zombies.

As players get near towns or buildings or human developed areas, the zombies spawn.

If there are a LOT of zombies on a server, all it tells you is that there are players in the major areas.

Few zombies means most players are not in places where zombies spawn.

When all the players leave an area, the zombies de-spawn eventually until someone else comes along.

You can tell from a distance with binocs if there are no zombies, there are likely no players nearby. As you get closer,they spawn.

If you look from far away and see zombies, people are nearby.

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Keep in mind the number of players on a server has nothing to do with the number of Zombies on a server.

Zombies spawn only when players get into areas where zombies are capable of spawning.

If you are on a server with 25 people and all 25 of them are out in the trees roaming where there are no buildings there will be few or no zombies.

As players get near towns or buildings or human developed areas, the zombies spawn.

If there are a LOT of zombies on a server, all it tells you is that there are players in the major areas.

Few zombies means most players are not in places where zombies spawn.

When all the players leave an area, the zombies de-spawn eventually until someone else comes along.

You can tell from a distance with binocs if there are no zombies, there are likely no players nearby. As you get closer,they spawn.

If you look from far away and see zombies, people are nearby.

Max i've seen on a server were 300, and that was a 50 people server with about 5 people alone in cherno and generally in berenzino

950 zombies with 8 players seems extremely unlikely not to be a bug

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