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PvE Server option

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Greeting everyone,

I think it's annoying to get all the time shot by some "pro's" with automatic rifle while I hang out there with a double barrel -.- And if I find some good weapon (my fav. is currently Lee Enfield :P) I get glitched like at the airport: I went there to the controll tower and wanted to get in so I kept climbing over the garbage, but then I suddenly died by nothing.

But thats not the task.....my suggestion is: pls make servers able to be PvE only, it sucks, exspecially for new players to get shot every 20 minutes, thats frustrating them and maybe don't play dayz anymore.

I know it's unrealistic again, but it's just a suggestion.

Note: I fukin am stealthy^^

yours, stealthboy

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Not possible right now. The HIVE saves all character data, so someone on a PVE server can just get all the best loot in the game then go to another server and just rock your world. Its currently not possible with how the current system of how character ID's work.

This is from the current Engineering head for Day-z. Ill try to find the post and edit it here.

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