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Need to find group!!

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So I downloaded this game a couple days ago and every time I join a server I end up getting shot in the face :dodgy: so would anyone like to group up with me and help me out a little. If so please reply with either steam account, skype account, or oovoo account. thx

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Me and 4 other guys have a group , if you want you can join.

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Hey thanks for the invite how could I join you guys?

Me and 4 other guys have a group ' date=' if you want you can join.


Hey thanks for the invite how could I join you guys?

stoian would you let another noob join your group/clan/whatever you want to call it.

Please watch the way you use the term "noob". I have much experience with mmo's and fps's your probally one of the guys that ruins first time comers to dayz by shooting at them on sight.

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Hey guys, what country are you guys in? (my ping is only good for Australian servers). Would I be able to join? I am new and since everyone is spawning without weapons, food or a canteen I am finding it really hard to survive. For some reason (even when I crawl from 50m using heavy cover) zombies start walking towards me and attacking... this is really odd and causing me a lot of trouble :/

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Hey thanks for the invite how could I join you guys?

Me and 4 other guys have a group ' date=' if you want you can join.


Hey thanks for the invite how could I join you guys?

stoian would you let another noob join your group/clan/whatever you want to call it.

Please watch the way you use the term "noob". I have much experience with mmo's and fps's your probally one of the guys that ruins first time comers to dayz by shooting at them on sight.

i meant that i literally have no experience with this game but i have experience with many other fps games such as tribes:ascend,TF2 so i am a noob to Day z so yeah and im not the kill everyone kind of person i would rather ask people if they're friendly then either travel with them if they are ok with it and are not shazbots about it or continue on my own.

also why dont you not judge people without doing anything besides seeing 1 post they've made.

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I definately wouldn't mind grouping up with you guys, a lot funner then being shot in the face by someone.

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New player here as well. I could use someone to partner with. I can play with skype for sure. :)

I generally play on west coast servers, but I can try others...

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OK to all of you guys add me on Steam:Night Rider (the icon is a Nazgul Rider from LORD OF THE RINGS) or if you dont find me add me on skype:stoian.nenchev and type that you are a dayz guy.

PS:All of you can join!

And also we talk through ventrilo ,so its good to download it and learn the basics (if you haven't worked with a ventrilo before)

Edited by Stoian

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Also I live in Bulgaria ,Two guys are in the Netherlands,one from Ireland and one from USA!I play every day and almost the whole day.Also I have L85A2 AWS that I dont need so I'm glad that it will be the weapon of some of you guys.(Its with a Night Vision not with a heat scope or something :P)

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