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So I know 'L' is supposed to turn ON your flashlight

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But it isn't.. I read in the controls menu 'L' is for headlights which I'm assuming it does mean flashlights too but does anyone have an idea why when I press 'L' my flashlight doesn't come on? Do I need to 'equip' it somehow?

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It only works during nighttime

Either side of the predetermined time and you won't be able to activate it

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If you are lagging the flashlight will not turn on, try looking at the ground then doing it. That seems to work best for me.

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Ah ok thanks! It's dark and I can't see crap but the sky is still semi-lit up so I guess that makes sense

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yes, right click it in your inventory and chose "remove from tool belt" it will replace your handgun if you have one however so make sure you put that in your bag.

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