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JDM (DayZ)

U.S.S. Looking for Members

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umbrella security services

Our Goal?

Better our chances of survival by having brothers in arms. Protect whats ours at all costs and and better each other for the long run.

Who are we?

We are a mature group/clan based on DayZ. We recently departed from a falling apart

group to form our own mature group of skilled players. We currently have 3 members

and we are expanding. We have plenty of guns and vehicles at our disposal and a large

base. This is a expert level clan.We are based on trust and friendship, you will have

to go through a few trials with us before youre in. We are also a squad based group,

that means we will have a few roles...

Leader- Plans supply runs and raids, navigates, commands other group members

Medic- Carries extra medical supplies, heals group members

Infantry- Basic infantry, stays close to the leader uses a variety of guns, usually helps loot

Sharpshooter- Sniper/ scout, keeps track of players in the game, stays far out.

Support- Usually carries extra ammo, uses lmg, repairs vehicles, lays down cover fire


18 years or older.

Mature personality

Ability to fill one of the rules above

Must be trust worthy

Must be serious about the clan

Dedicate atleast a couple hours a day

English speaking

Steam account

Mic for PC or XBOX Live*

Atleast 30+ hours logged on DAYZ or ARMA


And a completed application found below

There are a few basic and easy to follow rules that will be given

at a later time.

Typical Q & A

Q: Are you guys bandits?

A: No, we will protect our stuff and our clan though at all costs.

Q: What servers do you play on?

A: To protect our base location you wont know until youre in.

Q: What if i ditch the clan and take all your stuff?

A: Dayz isnt the only thing on a computer we’re good at, you’ll regret it ;)

Q: What if i leave the clan peacefully?

A: Consider yourself a friend of the clan, and always welcome to come back.

any others PM me.

PM me the application


First Name:


Steam Name:

Dayz Name:

Xbox Live Name (optional):

Estimated Hours on Dayz:

Estimated times youve died:

Perferred Role (Sharpshooter, medic etc.):

Perferred Gun or Type of Gun:

Have you ever been killend by a bandit:

Do you plan to stick with the game for a few months:

Do you have any other clan expirence on Dayz:

Do you have the ability to troll:

Other than that tell us about yourself, Why Should we let you join?


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Im sorry to say Im not 18 and Im new to Day Z however I am mature and interested in playing in a group as my friends have yet to buy the game. Its summer break for me so Ill be able to put in plenty of hours a day.

First Name: Chris

Country: United States

Steam Name: Nova (Curious Pyrobird)

Dayz Name: Chris

Estimated Hours on Dayz: 22

Estimated times youve died: 5

Perferred Role (Sharpshooter, medic etc.): Support or Sharpshooter

Perferred Gun or Type of Gun: Sniper rifle, Assult rifle

Have you ever been killend by a bandit: Yes

Do you plan to stick with the game for a few months: Yes

Do you have any other clan expirence on Dayz: No

Do you have the ability to troll: If needed

Im interested in playing with a group and I totally understand if you dont accept me beacause Im not 18.

Edited by Pyrobird

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First Name:Tony


Steam Name:yangboi88

Dayz Name:Death

Xbox Live Name (optional):

Estimated Hours on Dayz:35

Estimated times youve died:15

Perferred Role (Sharpshooter, medic etc.):Infantry

Perferred Gun or Type of Gun:M16

Have you ever been killend by a bandit:Yes

Do you plan to stick with the game for a few months:Yes

Do you have any other clan expirence on Dayz:Only with friends, no clan experience

Do you have the ability to troll:No

Other than that tell us about yourself, Why Should we let you join:

I'm 23, former Marine, knows a little bit about fire manuver tactics, quite, has played enough of dayz to understand the mechanics behind it. Just looking for a dedicated clan to join that doesnt involve bandits. If i'm in, I am sure I can be a great addition to the clan.

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First Name: Matt

Country: US

Steam Name: optionrider420

Dayz Name: matt

Xbox Live Name (optional):

Estimated Hours on Dayz: all day since i picked it up,updated ** ~45 hrs**

Estimated times youve died: 4

Perferred Role (Sharpshooter, medic etc.): havnt rolled in a crew yet, so ive been doing it all myself i guess

Perferred Gun or Type of Gun: i like the einfield, but havent had any LMG's or anything yet

Have you ever been killend by a bandit: yet, kinda didnt do my research b4 and learned real quick bout bounty hunters

Do you plan to stick with the game for a few months: only a few months....thats absurd....long live the zombies baby

Do you have any other clan expirence on Dayz: nope

Do you have the ability to troll: lets rock n roll

Other than that tell us about yourself, Why Should we let you join? smart kid, been gamin for a while. 23 yr old just outta school so got some time on my hands while . Im not a tard out there runnin around, im tryin to play smart, get more goods n stay alive as long as i can. ILL BE PLAYIN ALL DAY MENG

Edited by engiNERD

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