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A true story of vladimir Rain a Hero to two players.

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Well as you know My character name is Vladimir rain. I stumbled upon two players , I was about to shoot them but I let humanity take it's part because I saw that they were unarmed and new. As I saw them , i said to them "Freindly , don't shoot" because i thought they were armed. Well the first guy I met was a good person and wasn't new. Him and I walked outside and saw a horde of zombies 5-10 , i killed the zombies. Then I see a player running along , then another horde came so we went back in the controll tower. The second guy that just followed us , he said "I'm new" on microphone , so I decided to help him out. We looted the places next to the controll tower. Then we decided to goto the abandon buildings. Then Suddenly he sees two well armed men. I say to them "Freindly" about 3 times. They retreated into the building. Since they did not respond , I was lucky enough to kill them both. I found a gps and I had never found one before. I got my commrades both armed with guns. A zombie came in and he shoot his akm. Which more zombies came then we finally killed them all. Then Suddenly a guy with a revolver and hatchet comes in without anyone knowing but me. I take actions quickly and shoot the guy before he pulls out his revolver. My freinds well the new guy added me on skype. The other guy did not sadly. One of them was afk for a couple of minutes so we decided to defend him of any trouble. Minutes later he is back so we decided to head for a hill. There was about a horde and too much lag because of the 1.7.2 update. We defended ourselves like the team of l4d. One of my freind was badly injured so he gave me a blood bag to give him a transusion. They both defended me when i gave him a transfusion. Then suddenyl the 1.7.2 update kicks in and the server was lagging so badly that they couldn't move i couldn't see their communication nothing , the ending was sad when the other guy did not add me. But atleast the new guy added me and I'll teach him everything he needs to know about dayz , because he's new. A story from me , Vladimir Rain.

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