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Ghillie Suit Bug

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Date/Time: 7/9/12 / 6:00 pm EST and again at 10 PM EST

What happened: Found Ghillie Suit, when I equipped it, not only did it NOT put the gillie suit on my character, but all of my items (outside of my tool belt and backpack ) were wiped from my char. My primary gun, secondary gun, all ammo, bandages, food, drink, anything kept outside of my alice pack and my toolbelt, were wiped.

Where you were: Not exactly sure the precise location, but I want to say it was near Dubrovka.

What you were doing: Surviving! Found the ghillie, attempted to equip it for further camouflage, lost everything. Extremely frustrating :(

*Current installed version: 1.7.2 (found it today after the update)

*Server(s) you were on: US90 TX

*Your system specs: geForce GTX 580. i7 2.66 processor, 6 gig ram, windows 7 64 bit.

*Timeline of events before/after error: Got home from work, had a little difficulty logging in after the patch, got in near dubrovka, searched through some empty residential houses, found the ghillie, attempted to equip it, lost all ammo/weapons, died shortly after because i had nothing to fight back with.

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Happened to me too. Got a Guillie from Electro, put it on and I heard a "water sloshing" sound, then everything in my inventory and backpack vanished. Then all I was left with was wearing civilian clothing.

Edited by Cik

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Happened to me with camo, lost my m107, ammo, and shit like that. I was VERY happy that I didn't lose my Mk 47 that was in my backpack...

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Happened to me too putting on the Camo. I fell through the floor of a building into water. Swam to the door way, suddenly teleported back into the room, and found that I had no bag, weapons, items or camo. (MassiveSadFace)

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This crap just happened to me, too. I was so excited, because I had just found an m107 last night and the ghillie suit was the perfect icing for the cake. Obviously, I put it on and lost everything... except my m107 that was in my backpack, but it doesn't have any ammo now. Ugh...

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Dont equip anything at this point, if you equip something you will get the swimming animation and because the game thinks your swimming it drops your stuff.

Edited by Chauz

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Same thing here, tried to equip camo suit, lost everything but my pack ..

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I put on a camo suit. screen went black and then I only had my alice pack. lost blood bags, a silenced m16 tons of ammo and all my bandanges/food.

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Also happened to me.

Equipped Camo, lost all the same things like you.

US 331, around 11pm EST.

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same thing for me (in Elektro) trying to wear CAMO. Lost everything but the backpack, including the camo.

Edited by jedimitch

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Happened to my m8 last night, when he went to equip it he disappeared saw a glimpse of the ocean then was back by his tent and had lost everything.

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H append to me while in electro. When I put it on I was telepoted into a huge body of water for about a second. I was then returned to where I put it on but was swimming through the floor. After a while I poped back to normal. Just like the rest I had nothing outside my backpack and belt.

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I suppose this is one of the new bugs with the recent patch. Would be wise to save the Ghille suit until its fixed, just sayin'

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I had a similar experience with 94444 and 94700 playing uner

First under 94700 my ghillie suit disappeared on login...but fortunately no equipment/gear/location loss

Next under 94444 my camo suit disappeared on login...but again no equipment/gear/location loss

I wonder if the bug in 1.7.2 is not really being caused by the Beta???

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Yeah just happened to me AKM gone along with my everything else, lucky the guy I killed had another AKM on him, Ha :thumbsup:

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I have lost all my active equipment twice thanks to this bug. I have been looking for a Ghille for several days. Only for it to destroy my inventory and also lose the Ghille suit.

It also does it with the Camo.

So very frustrating.

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same thing happend to me...lost my Coyote back pack,G17,and my AS50...im pretty upset

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