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Need a decent size group to join

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Hello, I'm in need of a serious group. I was in a old group but recently kicked, no reason given just banned of there TS3 (cowards). So I stand here. I'm 14, lets get that straight, but do not think I'm immature. I would love to be in a group with some people that own there own server and TS3 server, not necessary though. Preferred amount of people would be 3-15, odd numbers, but I don't really care on the amount. I live on the east coast of U.S.A so a server near there would be good, but I have good internet. I don't want a friendly, "Ooo look a survivor lets give him guns and ammo", but a more aggressive group.

Anyways thanks for reading this, sorry if I wasted your time.



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I have a group running of about 8 or so, including myself. Not big, but we are efficient ;) We mainly revolve around Cherno - have a few snipers who sit around the outskirts (about 600-900m away) who pretty much navigate and take out any easy threats. The others run around causing havoc on the inside - grabbing supplies and what not. Once we get bored we usually set out on the road to find a base camp. From there, after we set up we go out searching mainly for heli crash sites, cars and occasionally new weapons, however we stick to what we already have usually. Not all 8 of us are on at the same time. usually about 4 - 6 will be on. out of the group of us, 4 of us are admins for different servers. We are all Australian with a couple Americans however we base ourselves in Seattle servers usually.

Anyway, if your interested just add me on Skype. We don't mind taking a few on board :)

Skype: seayouentee

TS3: I don't own one, but we do use one - although we mainly talk on Skype.

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