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Spawning With No Weapon - The Best Part of DayZ

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I'm sure most people will disagree with this sentiment, but I absolutely love those first 10-30minutes of being weaponless. It forces you to play a completely different game than the one most of us have been playing. With no weapon I don't fear other players, I mean, they can shoot me, sure, but it's not a big deal.

No, I fear zeds. I need food and water, which means I have to go where zeds are. This is terrifying, you come up on a town and see zeds meandering around in the street. "Dammit" you say to yourself. You crouch walk close than spend 10 minutes prone crawling in to the one building that might have food. It's a bust.

This is why I come back to dayz time and time again, it's the gameplay that isn't pvp that's the draw. Nothing is more fun and terrifying than crawling 5 meters from a zed, knowing if he spots you, you'll be running down a road for a kilometer trying to lose him.

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