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Character random death/waiting for character to create

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Hi guys,

I know the waiting for character to create is a known issue but I just experienced something slightly more troubling. After sitting at waiting for host at US237 for a couple hours something very bad happened...my character was randomly killed off. You guys might say I joined the server and logged in but no, I did not. I was only trying to get to the lobby and somehow my character died from me not even being on the game...I've spent hours and hours and I don't even get a legit death...Now I can't even join a server to get my stuff back! Is my character actually screwed or is it just the waiting for character to create bug?

Is there anything an admin can do to help me out?

- Dubba

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Did all you see was "_____ was killed" because i've seen that before when loading and when i actually loaded i was fine.

I would wait and see until you actually get in and then panic

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